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It was officially august 9th, our last first day of high school, it was now 8:05, and we had to be at school for 8:30. Eh, I don't care; after practically dragging myself out of bed and to the bathroom, I took a 30-minute shower before jumping out, wrapping a towel around my body to look for my outfit for the day. After about seven minutes of looking for clothes to wear, I threw on black pants and a shirt with my serpent jacket and chain. I soon heard the roaring of motorbikes outside; I quickly grabbed my bag and phone, checking the time; 9:05, oops we're late again, not like a bad bitch like me cares tho, I chuckled to myself, leaving the house, meeting my friends before we drove off to school

^^^ what she was wearing ^^^

When we arrived at school, it was 9:29 (they had to get breakfast); we locked up our bikes and began walking towards the school doors, and as we got closer, I mumbled pathetic and rolled my eyes, letting out a huff/chuckle

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When we arrived at school, it was 9:29 (they had to get breakfast); we locked up our bikes and began walking towards the school doors, and as we got closer, I mumbled pathetic and rolled my eyes, letting out a huff/chuckle

"you guys ready to go?" I asked my friends.

"yup" was my best friend Toni's answer.

"You had to wear that necklace," sweet pea chuckled.

"I sure did, sweet pea. If you got a problem, we could take it to a boxing ring," I said as I rolled my eyes playfully before smirking and licking my front teeth*

"Naw, you wouldn't fight me," he said smugly as I just rose my eyebrows and crossed my arms challengingly*

"sweets back off because you know she'll beat your ass," Fangs stated, rolling his eyes.

"shut up; she would beat your ass to fangs," Sweetpea hissed back.

F- no, she wouldn't

B- says who, Toni is literally my favorite, and I'll fight her if it comes down to it

F/Sp- first off, I'm offended, and sec-

T- and second off, let's go to class; this is unnecessary drama too early in the morning

B- uhhh, your so bor-

T- I know, right, love you too, boo, hasta luego mi amiga (see you later, my friend)

B- *fake gasp* she's learning Spanish, guys

T- *rolls eyes playfully* shut up, B, now seriously, see you later, it's already 9:30, and I'm not trying to hear Hanna's mouth later (that's her mom)

B- whatever, bye bishhh

We all did a bro hug and left for class. (I don't hug people, the only person that's ever gotten a hug from me was Fp, and that's when he got me my dream motorbike, I was so excited, and he was so shocked that he cried. Hugging is really weird) after three long boring classes, it was finally lunchtime, and as I left the class to meet my friends, everyone was staring at me. (it's their first year at Riverdale High, southside high shut down over the summer for remodeling) I just smirked and laughed to myself.

B- hey, if you want to take a picture, go ahead, but keep staring, and I'll superglue your eyes open, so that's all you can do

They all quickly looked away.

B- that's what I thought

T- was that really necessary

B- yes, yes it was

F- you crazy bitch

B- what can I say? I like crazy *winks*

Sp- now you are just being nasty

B- no, I'm not; you just got a perverted mind sugarplum

T- sure, sure, your not B

B- *laughs* let's go get some food, shall we

We went and got our food, sitting on a bench and talking outside. Sweetpea soon pointed to a chick coming our way.

V- you're the new students, right?

S- what gave it away *mean/sarcastic tone*

V- *roll eyes and mocks him* what gave it away

We all began to laugh, and she watched me; I blew a bubble and winked at her, as she just rolled her eyes and shook her head

V- I was just coming here to-

Pops her bubble loudly, interrupting her.

V- as I was saying, *rolls eyes* I came to ask if you guys wanted a tour

T- why would we want a tour, especially from you? Why are you even here?

V- well, I don't just go around not liking people because other people don't; I'm my own person, and you guys haven't done me anything. Besides, no one else would welcome you guys around here

B- who's that hottie over there *winks at him as they make eye contact*

V- oh, that's Jughead Jones, Riverdale's high football captain

B- who would scar their child like that *laughs*

T- Cora and Dianne *laugh* (sweetpea's and fangs mother)

J- problem over here?

V- np, We're fine-

B- Yep, your hot

J- I have to admit, so are you

B- wanna get out of here?

V- well, no tour, I guess

T- no, rain check? *shrugs*

V- well, it was nice meeting you guys, well, except for you *points at pea*

Sp- we can go solve our problem in the bathroom right now

V- haha. Very funny. Not happening!

Sp- well, your boring

V- not in bed tho, though *winks and walks away*

After Bughead's fun time, they headed to class, being five minutes late(they had different classes)

Ms.H- you must be Ms. Smith; you're late. Where were you?

I sat down, putting my feet on the desk.

B- I was banging the principal

Sweetpea, fangs, Toni, and Veronica all started laughing.

Ms.H- Ms. Smith!!!

B- chill, it was a joke

Ms.H- hmhm

She continues with the class, and I zone her out. When the bell rang, I immediately exited the classroom waiting for my friends

Sp- oh my god, that was so funny

F- bro, I couldn't stop laughing. Did you see her face *laughs*

B- this day is finally fucking over *wipes fake sweat off of her forehead*

T- that's not what your body's saying; how was your lunchtime snack?

B- *chuckles* it was wonderful

We all laughed, heading out the door; we quickly got on our motorbikes, going to the wyrm.

This story is an old story of mine off of my Instagram account @buggiesblossom. I'm going to add most of my stories from Instagram here for those of you who don't have it.

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