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I got home from school doing my usual after-school routine, and then I overly packed my suitcase, to the point I had to sit on it to close it shoving it underneath my bed. I then got another suitcase for my shoes, body care, and skincare products, along with my toothbrush, and put it under the bed also in case someone comes in here. By the time I was done packing and doing my homework, it was 11:00 pm, so I decided to take a quick nap. I soon heard someone knocking on my window, where only I could hear. I quickly jumped up, looking in that direction, and seeing Toni, I guessed I fell into a deep sleep. I immediately got up and got my bag; seeing Betty lower on the ladder and Veronica on the grass below it, I passed Toni the suitcases. They kept passing it down to each other til it was on the ground, I pecked Toni's lip, and we both climbed down, me hopping on the back of Toni's bike and Veronica on the back of Betty's own; after we were situated we rode off to Betty's house.

V- ha! I got to hug Betty
C- *gasps*
T- and she got to hug me; your point exactly
V- Betty's better
T- says who?
V- says, everybody
T- Cher, am I comfier than Betty?
C- am I lying or being honest?
T- honest
C- well, sorry, but Betty is comfier
T- *gasps* you betrayer
C- sorry, Betty is just like a pillow full of clouds, and you're, well, your just a regular pillow; you're still comfy tho
T- forget you all *chuckles* Betty is already upstairs, by the way, let's go
C/V- wait, what?!
T- Yep, let me tell you exactly what went on in her head before she left. "She was like they're still talking about how comfy I am, yh no, I had enough hugs for the day, imma just slip away, and they wouldn't even notice," she said, changing her voice to Betty's own the best she could
V- you know what's funny?
T- what?
V- you sound exactly like her
T- *chuckles* I guess being best friends with her for forever really does pay off
V- how did you guys meet?
T- we met from since newborns and grew up together from since then, and the how is her story to tell if she wants too
V- *nods* I get it *slight smile* let's go
T- Yep, because now Cheryl's gone, does she even know the way?
V- knowing Cheryl, she has already found her way and is harassing Betty to hug let her hug her
T- *chuckles* true

They headed upstairs and were correct; Betty was locked in her bathroom while Cheryl kept knocking on the door saying how she wanted the last hug from her; they just watched me on the floor and laughed as I glared at them, but laughed after not being able to keep a straight face. After about five minutes, Betty gave up and opened the door, and I immediately hugged her, smiling to myself in victory. We all stayed up and played truth or dare because I wasn't going to go to school, they were going to show me around so I could get familiar with the place and people, and Veronica decided she would skip school to join us also. So there we were playing a fun little game of truth or dare, not the slightest bit of tired; they were all enjoying their teenage life at the moment

C- Tt, truth or dare?
T- truth
C- If you could be a fictional character for a day, who would you choose?
T- definitely Moana; I love Moana. Veronica, truth or dare
V- dare
T- let us go through your phone for one minute
V- nooo
B- what are you hiding, V? Toni, go get the rum and cups; she's taking a shot since she doesn't want to answer
T- be right back *brings it back and gives v*
V- *drinks it* Betty, truth or dare
B- truth
V- read the last thing you sent your best friend out loud.
B- *grabs her phone* it says Ttttt, I think if have a crush! What Should I do? Help a girl out. And I still haven't got a reply yet *glares at Toni*
C- oooh, who is it?
B- not my turn. Can we play strip truth or dare? This is boring, but it'll have a little twist; if you don't answer, you take off a piece of clothing and take a shot of rum
T- I'm down
C- Yh me too
V- definitely playing
B- ok, Cheryl, truth or dare?
C- dare obvi
B- call a friend, pretend it's their birthday, and sing them happy birthday to you
C- ok *call Amira and sings happy birthday*
Am- girl, it's not even my birthday!
C- yes, it is
Am- not, it's NOT!
C- chill girl, it was a dare. Bye Now. Tt, truth or dare
T- dare
C- eat a teaspoon of mustard
T- Yh no *takes off top and takes a shot* V, truth or dare
V- dare
T- do a plank for one minute
V- *groans and takes off her shirt* B, truth or dare
B- dare
V- dip an unwashed sock in a cup of water and drink it
B- ok, I'm using a new sock that's not washed *does it🤢* V, truth or dare
V- truth
B- What's the most embarrassing thing you ever did on a date?
V- I ate really spicy tacos a few hours before the date. We went to a posh restaurant. I had to go to the bathroom three times during the two hours we were there. The servers were staring; he looked embarrassed by me. After dinner, he said I should go home and rest. I never heard from him again. *shrugs*
B- damn, that's tough *laugh*
V- mhmm, tell me about it. Cher, truth or dare

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