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"Stop recording me, daddy; I'm not ready," a two-year-old Betty said, crossing her arms, only in her underwear. "What, why not?" Thirty-two-year-old Fp said, "because I have to put on my super villain cape," she said, rolling her eyes as if it wasn't obvious. "Why not be a superhero?" She turned around, completely stopping what she was doing, holding her chest dramatically as if her heart had just been snatched away from her "superheroes no fun; they're boring."

J- you were very much dramatic, but I agree, superheroes no fun *jughead said, copying her baby accent*
B- *groans* zip it; I was only two! *rolls her eyes and crosses her arm*
J- that's something two-year-old Betty would do or say
B- that's something two-year-old Betty would do or say *mocks him and rolls her eyes*
J- see what I mean?! But at least your a villain now
B- mhmmm, you're annoying; just stop talking
J- you mad at me?
B- yes, you're making fun of me *pouts*
J- *pecks her pout* for what it's worth, you were a cute toddler
B- keeps your lips off my lips, would you? I'm trying to stay mad at you
C- *groans* shut up; I'm trying to watch the video!

"Let me put on the cape, Betty," Fp said, seeing the two-year-old Betty struggling. "I don't need any help, daddy, I got it" Fp playfully rolled his eyes at the stubborn girl shaking his head "it's been five minutes already, butterfly, let me help you" "no, you won't stop recording me, and they're gonna know my secrets" "*gasps* what secrets?" "You're recording me" "ok, I'll stop, now tell me in my ears," he said, putting down the camera and leaving it on " *whispers* I don't have any secrets, I just didn't want you to record me yet, but you still are" crosses her arm and begins to cry "ok ok, I'm sorry, I'll bring you and TT to see VV and Jughead" "I only want to see my VV" "Jughead is still gonna be there" "I'm not gonna play with him" "and why not? " "because boys have cooties" "I'm a boy" "Yah, but your big, and you're my daddy, so you have no cooties" "interesting, so you're gonna play with Jughead, right " "noooo! Me, VV, and TT are going to beat him up and lock him in the room forever" "sure you guys are, sure."

We the left going to the house, and we immediately ran into a girl group hug and then caught up, before modeling, Veronica up first; blonde/yellowish towel on her head with a black white polka dot dress on backward and some big black heels on the wrong feet "go on Veronica" Fp said to two-year-old Veronica "I'm not Veronica, I'm Monica posh, and I'm a super model, and I like to sing and dance" V said posing, hands on hips and blowing a kiss to the camera " *Fp chuckled to himself* up next Toni Topaz " Toni came out in a black jump suit and Veronica's fluffy slides "I'm Toni- " "you have to pick another name, not yours" Veronica said matter-of-factly crossing her arms "I'm Toni Braxton " little Toni shrugged "then you have to sing for us" "but you didn't sing" "well you have to sing, or you can't use my clothes anymore" "fine" Toni said taking off Veronica's clothes and shoes, staying in her underwear "heyyy! That's not nice," Betty said, coming out of her spot "she doesn't want to sing," Veronica said, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes "you can't force her to sing if she doesn't want to" "yes I can!" "Come on, TT, we're not playing with her anymore, ok? Don't be sad," Betty said, taking off Veronica's clothes and throwing them at her before hugging Toni and kissing her cheeks, attempting to cheer her up. "I'm not you friend anymore!" "Don't listen to her, ok TT? She's just a meanie," Betty said, rolling her eyes at Veronica "ok then, the talent show's canceled; where's Jughead?" "We locked him in the room" Betty shrugs "what, why?!" "No cooties" "oh my!" Fp said, getting up and heading to the room "jughead, open the door" "I can't" "why not?" "Betty said not to" "she said you can come out now, and we're going for ice cream " "ok," he said, opening the door and looking around "why are you so afraid of Betty?" "She's mean and scary" Betty glared at him, and he ran and hid behind Fp; he picked him up and gave all of them some ice cream. "I want some of yours," Betty said to Jughead, "you can just have it" "thank you," Betty said, smiling and grabbing it away; Fp came back seeing Betty with two ice cream, one melting away as she ate the one she took from Jughead "give him yours" "but it's mines."
"And you took his" "but it's mine," she repeated, "NOW!" He scolded, and she gave him the ice cream, stomping off, pulling Veronica and Toni with her towards the door. "I thought you guys were mad at V" "well, she said sorry, so we're not mad anymore" "where are you guys even going?" "We're going to find a new family with no boys," Betty said as they exited the house but returned no more than five minutes later "why are you guys here?" Fp asks, chuckling to himself "we couldn't find a new family," Betty huffs, crossing her arms as Fp laughed uncontrollably, ending the video

C- well, you guys were nice
B- I know. Tell me about it!
J- you guys were horrible! What did I ever do to you guys?
B- nothing, that's the point, no boys, no cooties
J- well, you definitely have cooties now
B- Nah, your all big now *winks*
Fp- Betty, don't start; I'm right here
B- all I said is he's big now "shrug."
Fp- and that's not- you know what, never mind
B- uhh, ok?
T- you were like our mom *laughs*
B- I still am, am I not?
V- Yh, you got mad at me for the dumbest reason
T- no, she didn't; you were being mean to me because I didn't want to sing
V- well, how could you pick a singer and not sing
T- I was tw-
B- shut the hell up, both of you!
T/V- yesss ma'am, we're sorry *laughs*
B- hahaha, so funny. Fp you done yet?
Fp- sure, go do whatever you guys were going to do
B- ok, bye! Love you
Fp- love you too, butterfly

The day was spent with us making trouble and having fun like teenagers are supposed to do; we literally ran all over the south side egging people's houses and then throwing napkins over them to the point we were getting cursed out and chased around with all kinds of weapons; some I've never even seen or heard of, and that's saying a lot because I'm literally a gang leader. Some may say I'm a terrible influence on their kids, but they have their kids locked up in a perfect little shoebox, and the bow on top can't get dirty; we were all really having fun, and besides, I didn't put a gun to anybody's head and told them to join me, they simply wanted to. We went back to my house because Cheryl got mad at Toni for missing a house; they should be okay tho; Cheryl stomped off, and Toni jumped in her car, going after her saying they'll cool off and bring some snacks and groceries back.

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