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The next day we reached to school; late again as per usual, I walked into class, plopping down on my chair, dropping my feet on the table, getting Mr. Jones attention

Mr.J- why are you late to class again, Ms. Smith

B- maybe I didn't feel like coming

Mr. J- you could've stayed home then. I'm pretty sure nobody didn't drag you here

B- actually, my best friends did, they were like, and I quote, "you need to go to school, B," and I was like, "why do I? They don't even like us, and all this bullshit you guys are teaching us is unnecessary."

Mr. J- why don't you share with the class why it's unnecessary

B- gladly, Mr. bland *roll eyes*

Mr.J- I see you're using big words Ms. Smith, but drop the attitude; I don't have time for it

B- and what if I don't *cross her arm*

Mr.J- you know what, I don't have time for you and your childish games; I'm a grown-ass man-

B- I don't think the principal would like you using that word so much, Jones

Mr.J- as I said, I'm grown; I do what I want when I want. Now, are you going to give us the reason why school is unnecessary

B- of course. We don't need any of this stuff we learn in school in the real world; school was supposed to finish like 2nd or third grade, you know, where we learned to write, count, and learn our ABCs, we don't need to know who was the 1st president or how many inches make up a foot, ain't nobody will ask for that when giving an interview, and quite frankly nobody cares. What we need to learn is how to apply for interviews or even how to cut grass, things that will help us to survive out there in the real world.

The class begins clapping and chanting stuff like "she's right" or "facts," etc. I watched the three girls in the back of the classroom rolling my eyes as they watched me with screw faces. Surprisingly even Mr. Jones was clapping.

Mr.J- Ms. Smith, since you are so bright, why don't you be the teacher for the month and teach the class real-world stuff? You can even pick volunteers if you want-

B- oh, I'm so doing this; what's your name?

Mr.J- Ferdinand?

B- OK, Ferdinand, would you be a doll and get out of my chair? I need to take a seat.

Mr.J- Ms. Smith I-

B- ah, zip it, go have a seat

Mr.J- *roll eyes and huffs* fine

B- so volunteers *looks through the list* I'll have Sweetpea Flavius, Fangs Rivera, Antoinette Topaz, and Veronica Lodge

T- Elizabeth *says sternly*

B- do you want to go to the office? Call me Ms. Smith Topaz *chuckles*

T- uhhh, fine

B- I change my mind, call me Betty class, I'm a cool teacher, now let's go outside on the benches and get some air

They all cheered, and we went outside to get fresh air as they just talked until I interrupted them.

B- ok, class, here's a piece of paper; write down what you like to do out of school and put your name by it

Class- ok

They wrote it down on a sheet of blank paper; they were doing hair, nails, dressing, skincare, makeup, singing, cheerleading, gymnastics, boxing, track, and sports.

B- There's cosmetology, styling, theatre, dance, boxing/track, and sports. Anybody for cosmetology goes to Veronica, dancing goes to Toni, boxing/ track to me, sports to sweetpea and fangs, and I need a volunteer for theatre, anybody?

?- I'll do it

B- ok, name?

K- I'm Kevin

B- ok, what about you three girls back there *what she really wanted to say* "you three snobby stuck-up bitches"

Girls- we're good

B- you need to do something, or you'll fail

Girls- you are not our actual teacher

B- quite- you know what, never mind, Ferdinand, teach those girls, because I don't know what's their problem, but I ain't having their bs. Anyways, Monday we'll do cosmetology and styling, Tuesday we'll do theatre and dance, Wednesday we'll do boxing/track, Thursday we'll do sports, and Friday we'll do different things we'll need for real life; this Friday we'll be doing our own job interview; basically, you apply or try out for the electives and see if you got in, so we know how it is when we apply for a job or something

Random student- what if one of the volunteers isn't there?

B- we'll find something to do, arts & crafts or something, we'll start next week because the class is about to finish in about a minute, so we don't have the whole week, and it would be unfair to start on Wednesday

And if on cue, the bell rang, and I dismissed the class. The rest of the day was so boring; I just slumped down in my chairs, waiting for lunchtime.

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