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C/T- so how did it go?
B- oh, he doesn't care; he's still going to tell. Sorry boo
C- WHAT!!! Shit!
B- calm down, Cheryl; I'm just joking *chuckles*
C- phewww, thank god
T- my offer still stands; you can always move in with me. It's nowhere close to as big as yours, but it's still decent, and you wouldn't get hurt there
C- I actually might take you up on that offer
T- need help packing?
C- I would love your help, but you can't enter my house
T- I'll use a ladder, just put a ladder outside your window, and we'll run away at midnight
C- Jason might tell on-
B- Nah, here's your blackmail; if he tries to snitch, just tell him you have the pictures and videos
C- omg. Thanks, Betty, you're a lifesaver *hugs her*
B- no problem *pats her back*
T- five minutes later, and you're still hugging her; I feel left out
C- sorry, she's just so comfy. I could literally thief her and use her as my personal pillow
B- Yh, not going to happen
T- I still feel left out, you know
C- come join me
B- Yh no, I've had enough of you guy's hugs for the day *pushes Cheryl off*
C- ehhhhhhh *makes weird noise*
B- oh, suck it up, and stop being a baby. Oh, and by the way, we all live in the Whyte wyrm, on top of the bar are a lot of apartments for the serpents, so if you happen to do anything, don't be loud; Toni's room is right next to mine
T- oh, don't worry about that, we are sleeping over at yours tonight *smile*
B- *raises her brow* statement or question?
T- more like a statement, coz we Are
B- Cheryl, you want to sleep over at mine tonight?
C- totally!
T- *groans* Bbbb
B- Ttttt
T- can I sleep over, please🥺
B- Of course you can, wasn't so hard to ask now, was it?
T - *mocks her* wasn't so hard to ask now, was it?
B- I hope you know you're no longer sleeping over
T- no, no, no, I'm sorry *hugs her and kisses her cheeks*
C- Yh, I'm so sorry *hugs her*
V- Yh, we're so sorry *hugs her*
B- *chuckles* so you guys are going to say sorry just to hug me
C- yup, anything to hug you *smiles*
V- I don't even know why I'm hugging you; I just wanted to be included
B- *laughs* when did you even get here
V- a few seconds ago, actually
B- it was a rhetorical question, but ok
V- I know; I just wanted to answer
B- *chuckles and shakes head* Toni, I might steal your girl, you know
B- you back off; you're literally hugging me
T- not what I meant
B- eh, back off anyway; all of you, I'm not a pillow
V- *groans* but you're so soft
C- I know, right? Same thing I said
B- I don't care; hug Toni or something! *pushes them off*
C- hey V-lo, wanna join our sleepover?
V- ooh, definitely
B- wait a minute, did you even ask me if she could come to my house?
C- do I need to?
B- yes, yes you do
V- it's ok, I'll just-
B- no, you can come, but it's just that she invited you to my house and didn't even ask me
V- oh, I get it. Wowww Cheryl *chuckles/laughs*
C- I knew she would've let you come *shrugs*
B- sure you did, Cheryl, sure you did *pats her back*
C- I did!!!
T- you didn't know! You guys are going to be here arguing all day; coz your both
so stubborn, and I have to start heading to class
C- but-
T- drop it, babe
C- *huffs* fine
B- let's head to English guys
V- I'm so happy this is one out of the two classes we have together
B- Yh me too. You guys help me with math, and I help you all with English
T- yup, now let's go
B- ok, ok, we're right behind you
T- ok *walks into the hall*
B- now we're all on the side of you
T- I know that Betty, I'm not blind
B- *chuckles* just making sure
T- shut up *laughs*

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