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B- "hey jughead," I said, rubbing my eyes 'sleepily' gasping and blinking rapidly, noticing him in front of me
B- "what are you doing here?" I asked, but he didn't answer me; he just stared; I followed his eyes and recognized my state, I waved my hand in his face, and he quickly looked up nervously, chuckling.
J- hey, Betty
B- heyyy, what are you doing here?
J- Sweetpea joined the football team today, so he invited me, Reggie, and Archie, and Fangs invited Kevin, and I'm pretty sure you guys just knocked on the door
B- mhmm
J- can I come in? I'm tired of standing
B- you can go get the boys while the girls and I get ourselves presentable," I said, giving him a slight smile and closing the door, everybody getting up and scrambling to look for clothes. As I pulled on my shirt, I heard a knock at the door; I quickly opened it, letting the boys in and closing it behind them. We all stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say for that matter until Veronica broke the awkward silence.
V- how about we play Never have I ever?
"Everyone agreed to play the game, having nothing better to play in mind at the moment anyways; Veronica started off with the question."
V- never have I ever gone skinny dipping "everyone puts down a finger except Veronica. I gasped, turning to her with a yell quiet enough for no one that wasn't in the room could hear"
B- you've never gone skinny dipping?!!!
V- nope, and I'm pretty sure you went with Toni or something. And Cheryl, when did you go skinny dipping?! "She says, causing Cheryl's face to fluster red."
C- uhhh, two days ago with T
V- and you hoes didn't invite me! You betrayed me, and I know that you'll never feel sorry for the way I hurt, yeah. You went skinny dipping with her when we were supposed to go together, you give me your words, but I guess you're a traitor!
C- first off, I'm sorry🥺 second off, voCALs *she sings the word vocal basically😭* and third off, I'll give you all the details, and lastly, do not, and I repeat, DO NOT use Olivia Rodrigo's song against me, or change the lyrics for that matter
V- *gasps exaggeratedly* do you not know who I am?
C- No, I don't; why don't you tell me *sarcasm*
V- I'm Veronica Lodge, a.k.a Veronica Bombshell, which means I need no reason. I simply am. Feel free to tremble. "Smirks at Cheryl"
C- ok, Mrs, you wanted fire? Sorry Cheryl Bombshell, my specialty is ice.
V- *proudly smiles* and I stand by that!
B- and I stand by; what the fuck is happening? I'm clueless, and I don't like feeling clueless!
V- oh, I moved here three going on four years tomorrow. I went to try out for cheerleading, but the head bitch in charge was an actual bitch; after school, I put on my outfit to go practice cheer; it was literally a white tube top crop top, some black shorts with white stripes, some long white socks with black stripes and some white shoes, oh and the matching jacket of my pants.

                           *Veronica's outfit*

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*Veronica's outfit*

Anyways on with the story, I skipped into the gym, happy to try out for cheerleading, and she just all of a sudden stood up and said do you know who I am? And I was like nooo, I'm new here, am I supposed to know you? And she was like, righttt, let me introduce myself. "I'm Cheryl Blossom, a.k.a Cheryl Bombshell, which means I need no reason. I simply am. Feel free to tremble." And I was like, oh my, I'm trembling, I must be freezing cold, I said sarcastically, and she fumed, she literally turned so red it was so funny, and I was like,
you wanted fire? Sorry Cheryl Bombshell, my specialty is ice. Then I winked at her and blew her a kiss before going to sit with the vixens
T- so you basically went from enemies to-
V- best friends, yup, I don't even know how it happened, like three days later, she asked me to be co-captain, and I somehow agreed, and we've been inseparable ever since
C- Yh, pretty much sums it up
T- pfttt, Betty and I were best friends from diapers, causing mischief from small til this day
B- oh yah baby, call us the mischief duo •flips hair•, oh and by the way, Cheryl, we're going skinny dipping at midnight
A- here that boys, we're going skinny dipping at midnight
B- noooo, imma make myself clear. Cheryl, Toni, Veronica, and I are going skinny dipping at midnight
A- party pooper
B- *breathes out hard* Toni, continue the game, please
T- ok. Never have I ever eaten an entire carton of ice cream "everyone puts down a finger."
B- never have I ever gone commando "only the girls put down a finger" so you guys don't let your dick breathe, you know what; you guys, do you.
J- never have I ever kissed my best friend "all the girls put down a finger."
A- why? That's not right
B- to find out our sexuality *says in a questioning isn't it obvious tone* and you can't tell anyone here what's right from wrong asshole *raises voice*
A- whatever, and what would you guy's sexuality be?
B- bi, bi, bi, lesbian from what I can tell, wanna know what's the ratio to carrot top *roll eyes* if your dumb ass even understands what it means
A- what did you say?
B- D-did I stutter?
A- yh, you just did
B- that was the point asshole
A- whatever, so what's the ratio?
T- you know I'm going to say it because your head is about to get snapped. I'm about 30% into boys, 70% into girls, Betty is about 50/50, Veronica is about 70% into boys, 30% into girls, and Cheryl is 100% into girls; any more questions for us, Archoe, because if so you'll be facing the wrath of Betty
A- Yh, I'm good
B- mhmm thought so. Sweets your turn
S- uhmmm... Never have I ever had a crush on a friend's sibling. "Betty's face flushed red as the girls laughed as she put down a finger."
B- shut up, "she mumbled towards the group of laughing girls."
Sp- who is it, baby B
B- Mind the business that pays you sweets
Sp- so they get to know, and I don't?
B- Yh, obviously. Anyways fangs your turn
F- ok, uhm... Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher "of course, Archie put-downs a finger."
J- yuck Archie, whoooo?!
A- uhhh, Ms. Loretta, she was hot. We actually have had many fun times in the janitors closet
B- Ewww, you tell us we're doing the wrong thing for liking the same gender, but there you are fucking the math teacher, no matter your slow ass is passing the class-
J- shhh, that's enough, that's enough. Archie your gross
B- Yh, your nasty, nasty I tell you, you nasty hypocritical bitch-
T- Bbbb, ok enough *laughs and covers Betty's mouth* Kevin, it's your turn
K- Never have I ever given or received a lap dance "everyone except Archie puts down a finger."
B- maybe you could ask Ms. Loretta for one; it's your turn; go
A- never have I ever deleted a post because it didn't get enough likes "only Archie puts a finger down."
B- of course, you did! I got a good one; never have I ever given or gotten a hickey *everyone puts down a finger except Betty*
J- you've never gotten a hickey
B- nor have I given one; I don't see the point in them
J- mhmmm, interesting
C- this game is getting boring. How about 20 minutes in heaven? Nobody in here is holy, so I added 13 minutes in case we happen to sin; we have enough time, and you have to make out at least
B- I'm in, but if I get that carrot top, I'm not even going into that closet with him, coz the game will be over because a dead body was left in the closet *glares at Archie* "everyone agrees, and I was the first to go since it was my house and ofc the bottle lands on Archie."
B- spin the bottle again, please "this time, it landed on pea" How about we have to choose who we want for 7 and 20 minutes with
C- fine with me
B- ok, set the timer for 7 minutes
We continued playing the game; fangs and Kevin=20mins, Veronica and Betty=7mins, Cheryl and Toni=20mins, Toni and Jughead=7mins, Jughead and Archie=7mins, Veronica and Archie=7mins, Veronica and sweet pea=20 with some persuading from sweets, Kevin and Archie=7mins, Fangs and Toni=7mins, Cheryl and Fangs=7mins and 10 of Cheryl complaining how gross it was, and lastly Betty and Jughead, I slowly stand up watching the girls nervously as they all smirked at me and I blushed
J- 20 minutes good with you?
B- mhmmm
J- cat, got your tongue
B- nooo
J- you nervous? *chuckles*
B- Nooo! Never! Let's go, "I said, dragging him inside the closet; as soon as we entered, he shut the door and immediately pinned me against the wall."

⚠️ Smut warning ⚠️

B- woahhh, easy their tiger, "I said playfully, holding back a groan as he sucked on my neck."
J- so you want me to stop "he whispered in my ear seductively, causing me to let out a soft moan."
B- god nooo! We don't have time for that, "I purred into his ear, causing him to let out a low growl and pick me up."
I wrapped my leg around his torso as he pushed me into the wall; I watched him and smiled, using my index and middle finger to move down to the waist of his pants before tugging on it
B- I'm going to need this off *I whispered in his ear seductively until he was in all his naked glory*
I grabbed his dick, running my hand up and down his length as he struggled to remove my clothes; when he was finished, I slid down from his torso, making sure I rubbed his length with my private area, earning a groan which caused me to smirk and earn a frustrated groan from him, I bent over in front of him standing back up when he grabbed my waist earning a throaty growl
J- Betty stop being a tease; we don't have time for that *he groaned*
B- never, and I mean never ask me if I'm nervous, cos I'm not; I was just thinking of which ways will make you ejaculate faster, "I said, tilting back my head and whispering seductively into his ear, still leaned against him" now lay down for me will you, I'm in charge *smirks and lightly pushes his chest*
J- I prefer not too
B- stop playing hard to get juggie wuggie; I can make you cum without even touching you, and besides, I know how to pleasure myself, and you're going to have to stay in here and watch, "I whispered seductively purring into his ear" now why don't you be a doll and lay down "smiles at him and pushes him back lightly" you got 10 seconds before I start pleasuring my self boo, start down starts- oh that's what I thought *smirks*
I sat on his belly, pushing myself back slowly, going back and forth over his erection
B- word of advice, next time you want to play defiant, try it with somebody you can resist, would you? "I said while slowly sinking down on him, causing him to groan as I let out a small moan."
I started moving up and down, slowly teasing him some more until he grabbed my waist, bouncing me faster; I let out a loud moan quickly covering my mouth; he sat up and whispered in my ear
J- next time you want to be a tease, do it with someone you can resist. "I let out a throaty moan as he smirked and went back to lay down."
Grabbing my hips and bouncing me faster as I rolled my hip around, meeting his thrusts, I layed down, attacking his lips, kissing him roughly and wildly holding back my moans while at it. He pulled away from my lips, attacking my neck and cleavage
B- you're trying to leave hickeys, aren't you? "I moaned into his ear as he was still bouncing me."
He just nodded, not pulling away; I tilted my head, giving him better access, it felt good, and from the feeling it was giving me, I knew it was going to make me cum faster; I dipped my head sucking and biting on his neck and chest; two can play at that game. Not too long after, my leg began to shake, and I could feel his dick throbbing in my vagina, so I knew he was close too; we continued until we came and rode out each other's orgasm. We stayed on the ground for about two minutes before I got up and bent over to get our clothes, I obviously didn't get to get up as he thrust into me again, and I let out a loud moan dropping the clothes back on the ground, he started thrusting into me and by the time we both cummed we only had two minutes; two minutes of making out and leaving more hickeys. When the timer went off, we scrambled for our clothes, throwing them on and exiting the closet.
J- see you guys later, "jughead said, dragging me out of the room."
Everybody laughed and threw their words as Jughead, and I just smirked and turned red
T- you have enough hickeys to make up for never having any before
C- and he definitely has a lot for you not giving any before; kudos to you, Betty
V- you and my brother are nasty, kinky mother fuckers

⚠️ Smut finished ⚠️

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