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Jughead woke up about five minutes before Betty, a huge grin plastered on his face; he turned to the other side facing her and began stroking her hair gently and planting a kiss on her forehead
B- morning, "Betty said in her scratchy morning voice huge tight lip smile on her face."
J- morning sleepyhead, "Jughead said the same way, admiring the girl in front of him."
B- how long ago did you wake up? "Betty said through a yawn and stretch."
J- no more than five minutes ago, "he said, pulling her closer and hugging her; smile still present on his face."
B- mhmmm, "she said, smiling up at him and quickly pecking his lips, laying back on his chest and closing her eyes."
J- I could wake up every morning to this and never get tired of it, "he said, kissing her lips repetitively."
B- your very much simping right now, "she giggled, opening her eyes."
J- your giggles are so cute *big smile*
B- stawppp *blushes*
J- awww, your blush is cute too, "he said, rubbing her cheeks with his thumb, then kissing it, turning her face more red."
She rolled on top of him, burying her face into his neck, as he laughed after her, making her shoot her head up, watching him with a glare
J- oh no, I'm so scared! Please don't burn me up with all the fire from those beautiful red cheeks
B- *groans* shut uppp
J- no can do, And I can't put my shirt up because you have it on
B- *whines* stop being a smart ass and a meanie and be quiet
J- no wayyy... so how's the hickey life treating you?
B- *groans* how much redder do you think a girl can go?
J- I don't know. I'm trying to figure that out, and besides, it's cute
B- *huffs* well, it hurts
J- I'm sorry, I'll stop now *pecks both of her cheeks, then her lips*
B- all forgiven *smiles* I'm going to head back to my house now *gets up and heads to the door*
J- no goodbye kiss *pouts*
B- *giggles* sure *pecks his lips*
J- proper kiss, please
She chuckled to herself, shaking her head, and kissed him; he pulled her on top of him, squeezing her as she giggled and pulled away
B- I can't breathe, you know
J- sorry, you're just so soft
B- oh no, your fangirling now too
J- sure? Genuine question, and if you blush, it's not my fault, ok?
B- I'm scared now, but ok
J- how do the hickeys feel?
B- *slightly blushes* well, getting them felt heavenly, but right now, it doesn't feel any type of way. How about yours?
J- it's honestly the same thing; I have something to show you
B- *looks up at him* and what's that?
J- tilt your head
B- *chuckles* what?! You're going to give me more!
J- not exactly; just tilt your head
B- ok, fine
She tilted her head, and Jughead sucked, nipped, and licked over the hickeys causing her to moan, and she did the same to him
B- that felt good; I didn't even want to stop *she groans*
J- mhmmm, I know
B- why does that happen?
J- uhhh, the pleasure from a hickey is your own emotional response to having someone your attracted to doing something you enjoy.
B- are you trying to say that I'm attracted to you?
J- are you not?
B- I'm going to go shower now, see you later, "she said, blushing and running out of the room."

*** Meantime in the other room ***

V- guys wake the fuck up, "she said, jumping on the bed, earning groans, what the hell, and a kick off the bed by Toni."
V- what the hell, Toni *whisper shouts*
T- do not wake me up again, especially like that
V- fine, whatever, I just got an epic idea, and I need to say it before Betty and Jug comes back
C- oooh, tell me, "Cheryl said, fully awake now sitting up."
T- did you dream about them or something
V- no, at least I don't think so; I just woke up with an idea
C- what is it?!!!
V- Betty + Jughead = blind date
(Btw the boys went to fangs house)
T- I'm up! "Toni said, sitting up also."
C- where, how, when, what time?!!
T- calm down, Cher
C- calm down; you're telling me to calm down!!! NO WAY, JOSE!
T- shhh, they're going to hear you *chuckles*
C- fine *playfully roll eyes* answer the question, Veronica
V- this Saturday, at 7:00 pm at Pops; Toni will talk to Betty, and I'll talk to my brother
C- and what would I do?!
V- you'll make the reservations; basically, you're setting up the date, and we're going to get them to go
C- does that mean I get to dress them
V- I'll get my brother ready, but yes, you can get the outfits and get Betty ready
C- deal!
T- can I help Cher
C- no way!
T- please🥺
C- ok, fine, but we're going shopping today because I like being prepared ahead of time and it's happening tomorrow
T- oh, that's fine with- *door opens* heyyy B
B- heyyy guys, what we talking about "she said, plopping down on the bed."
T- just talking about you and Jughead's lovely time in the closet and the other room last night
B- oh *blushes and hides under the cover*
V- by the way, that's a nice shirt
C- and you have a lovers bite mark
B- *comes from under the sheet* a what now
T- basically a permanent hickey; it's right over your right boob; shirts oversized, so we saw it when you plopped on the bed
B- *looks into her shirt at it and gasps* that's going to be there forever?!
V- Yep, but that's ok because you guys are very much attracted to each other
C- and you guys will get married, have some cute kids, and grow old together
B- *eyes widen* I'm going to shower, see you guys later *runs into the bathroom and quickly takes off her clothes and jumps into the shower*
T- she's scared of commitment *says loud enough so she can hear*
B- *shouts back* no, I'm not; I just need a shower
T- ok, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night bestie
B- whatever, can you get me some clothes and rest them on the sink, please
T- already on it *rest the clothes on the sink*
B- thanks, you're the best
T- no problem *chuckles*
Everybody did their morning routine and headed downstairs, the adults stopping them as they all belonged in school.

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