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Lunchtime finally came. As I exited the class entering the hallway, all eyes were on me, AGAIN. I make a gun with my hand and pretend to shoot everyone; I blow on my fake gun, shoving it in my pocket; after finding my friends, we got our food and walked out of the school building, outside to a bench. We sat down and began hearing whispers coming from the same three bitches and a friend of theirs that I already don't like, and I wasn't having it.

Girl 1: did you see those stupid serpents

Girl 2: Yh, she was being all extra and shit in class

Girl 3: and now she has to teach us for a month

Girl 1: a whole month, that's tough. Are you guys going to listen to her

Girl 4: fuck no, we don't even like her

Girl 1: I bet I'll be the first one to throw a punch

B: guess what, I. DON'T. LIKE YOU GUYS, EITHER.

I grabbed girl one by her collar, pinning her against the wall (their bench was up against a wall)

B- why don't you throw the first punch now?

She picked up her hand, and I immediately grabbed it, pulling out my knife and pressing against her face

B- I don't want to hear you or your passee (out of fashion) ass friends talking shit about me or my serpents again, you hear me?!!

Girl 1: we do what we want when we want

B- and so do I

I grabbed her right arm, twisting until I heard a crack and her whimper in pain, dropping to the bench

B- you might want to find a way to get to the nurse. I'm pretty sure your arm is broken, and your friends vanished and didn't even help you

Teacher- is everything ok over there, girls

B- everything's perfect; she fell and hurt her arm; I'm going to bring her to the nurse

Teacher- thank you, but I got it

B- it's fine, really; come on, let's go

We began walking, and when the teacher was out of sight and we reached in front the nurse's office, I whispered

B- you fell and hurt your arm, ok

A- my name is Andrianna

B- *whispers* well, news flash, I don't care because I don't like you, just keep me and my serpents name out of your mouth and tell the girls you call your friends that too

She nodded, and if on cue, the nurse opened the door, calling her in. I pulled her in a quick fake hug kissing her cheek.

B- bye, girly; I hope your arm feels better

And I was off to my friends, who were all smirking at me or shaking their heads, having seen most of what happened to poor Andrianna. We kept talking until I saw the three other girls talking shit about us; ugh, they're so annoying; I don't have time for this right now. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag, and walked out of the building, my three best friends following behind me. I needed to smoke; I hopped on my Motorcycle and pulled out a joint (I don't know if that's what you guys call it, but it's weed/marijuana in a paper, basically). After smoking the joint, it was not enough; I started my bike going to the wythe worm.

H- heyyy Betty, what are you doing here so early? Schools still going on

B- I need to drink; hit me with five shots of straight vodka Hog eye

H- I don't think Fp-

B- I don't care if Fp doesn't like it; now give me the fucking shots

H- tough day in school?

B- *tight lip smile and sarcasm tone* mhmm, what gave it away Hog eye?

H- what happ-

B- what happened is that I need my vodka shots

H- OK, fine *pours the shots* here you go, Queen Elizabeth

B- HA-HA *drinks one* very funny *drinks another* I can't stop laughing *roll eyes and drinks another*

Fp- *takes the last two shots* ok; I think that's enough, Betty

B- I need it, Fp

Fp- you don't need it, Betty

B- please *starts to sob*

Fp- come on, let's go talk upstairs ok butterfly

B- *nods through tears and stands up*

Fp- want me to pick you up?

B- *starts walking* I'm not a baby, Fp *wipes her tears*

Fp- *chuckles and follows along* eh, it was worth a shot

B- Yh, it was, wasn't it? *chuckles sadly*

Fp- *plops down on the couch* so what's the matter, butterfly?

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