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~ The Blind Date ~

I was in the car blindfolded; we finally came to a stop, and they opened the door, letting me out and guiding me to the place and the table; I soon heard a familiar gasp and pulled off my blindfold glaring at the girls as they giggled and ran out of the restaurant.

B- uhm, hi?
J- heyyy, "he said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly."

We fell into an uncomfortable silence, so I decided to break it.

B- this is awkward, Yh?
J- yup
B- I mean, we know each other, and we already talk; why not someone else? No offense, but what are we supposed to say?
J- none taken; I get what you mean.
B- should I just look some questions up?
J- Yep, I'm going to do that to
B- ok, should we order first?
J- Yh, what do you want?
B- uhhh, large fries, cheeseburger, and a mint chip milkshake, please
J- ofc
B- what are you having?
J- two burgers, a large fries, and a cookie and cream milkshake
B- oh, ok
J- mhmmm, pop Tate I'm ready to order now "pop walked over to our table, taking the order."
P- I'm listening
J- two burgers, a large fries, and a cookie and cream milkshake for me and a large fries, a cheeseburger, and a mint chip milkshake for her, please
P- ok, I'll be back shortly, "he said, walking off."
J- you got a question for me while we wait?
B- uhhh Yh, what's your favorite movie?
J- definitely rebel without a cause, you?
B- I like trinkets and moxie
J- I've never heard of it; what are they about?
B- trinkets is about a grieving teen who finds an unexpected connection with two classmates at her new high school after they all land in the same Shoplifters Anonymous group. Moxie is about a shy girl inspired by a confident new friend and her mother's rebellious past, who publishes an anonymous zine calling out sexism at her school.
J- they sound interesting
B- they are!

We continued talking, eating, and asking questions until he asked me one I wasn't expecting, well, two.

J- do you see yourself ever being in a relationship with me? "My eyes widened, and I turned red."
B- uhm, why do you ask that? "I said, rubbing the back of my neck nervously."
J- I'm just curious "he shrugged"
B- can you answer that question first? I have to think about it
J- sure. I can definitely see myself in a relationship with you; you are funny, badass, very hot, and definitely good in bed; what about you?
B- Yh, I can see myself being in a relationship with you, same reasons as you, I guess. "I blushed"
J- did I just make a gang leader blush three times in a row?! *fake gasps*
B- stawppp, "I said, blushing more"
J- but your blush is so cute
B- and my cheeks hurt
J- ok fine, I have one more question to ask you
B- ask away
J- will you be my girlfriend?
B- what? "I said, choking on my milkshake."
J- would you be my girlfriend, Betty?
B- why?
J- well, you just said you could see yourself in a relationship with me, and I like you, so would you be my girlfriend?
B- I like you too, Jughead, but I don't know if I'm ready to be in a committed relationship
J- well, we can always do an open relationship until you're ready for a committed one
B- really?!
J- Yh, of course, I really like you, and I'll wait until your ready
B- then yes, I'll love to be your girlfriend
J- really?!
B- mhmm
J- can I have a kiss?
B- of course, "we both leaned in over the table and kissed until I pulled away, changing my mind" I changed my mind!
J- what! Why? "He said, leaning back in his chair, and I could tell he was sad."
B- no, I still want to be with you; I was going to say I think I could do a committed relationship with you
J- really?! What made you change your mind?
B- you, you were willing to do an open relationship for me, that shows how much you like me, and no boy has ever done that before and plus you give the best sex and kisses
J- can't get enough of me, can you? "He smirked"
B- I can't get enough of you, "I answered back, knowing he was joking, but I literally can't get enough of him."
J- you can have me tonight "he winked"
B- I'll definitely have you tonight. "I smirked"

We both laughed, leaning in and kissing again; we talked, shared lots of kisses, and finished our food before leaving the dinner, leaving a $20 tip for pop.

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