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C- dare
V- make out with Betty for a minute
C- she just drank sock water
B- and I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash right after
V- you doing it or taking the consequences
C- set the freaking timer
T- I'll do it. 1. 2. 3. GO

We both began making out, pulling away when the timer rung

V- that was HoT
B- it was, wasn't it *playfully roll eyes*
C- *chuckles* tt, truth or dare
T- truth
C- no, pick dare, please🥺
T- fine, dare
C- yasss! Make out with V for a minute
T- ok, at least she didn't drink sock water
B- *groans* shutUppp
C- and the timer starts in; 3.2.1. GO

They began aggressively making out for one minute, pulling away in a minute when the timer rung, smirking at us.

B- it wasn't a competition, guys, but it was hot
C- Yep, totally HOTTTT
T- V, truth or dare
V- truth
T- are you a virgin, and if not, when did you lose your virginity
V- no, and sophomore year; dumbest thing I've ever done. Betty, truth or dare
B- truth
V- are you crushing on Jughead
B- *blushes* no, why?
V- Betty, it's called truth for a reason; you're literally blushing
B- fineee, I do have a crush on him. Why are you so interested?!
V- eww, you have a crush on my brother. That's just gross, Betty *fake gags*
B- what, he's ho- wait, that's your brother!
V- mhmm, I was trying to tell you all before you guys went and hooked up
B- *blushes as she scratches the back of her neck and examines Veronica* you guys actually do kind of look alike. Are you guys-
V- np not twins; half-siblings; he's two months older than me, his birthday is June 2nd, and mine is august 17. Our father decided he wanted to get two women pregnant around the same time. I live with my mom, her husband, and my half-sister; he lives with our dad, his dad's wife, and his half-sister, which is also my half-sister
B- damn, it must be a big family reunion *chuckles*
V- I kid you not

We continued playing truth or dare for forever; when we finally looked at the time, it was 2:51, and we were all pretty much naked; covering our private areas and laughing; we were all basically being gay, poking each other boobs and butts, typical girl stuff, well at least for us. It was Toni's turn; that was the last one we were doing for the night, well, more like midnight.

T- ok, guys, this isn't really a dare coz it's for all of us; we are going to knock on the adult's door and run back here and pretend we're sleeping

We all agreed and put back on our undergarments, running out of the room and each hitting a different door and running back to the room, jumping on the bed and pretending we were asleep; thank god for a Cali king bed. We all quietly giggled until I heard a knock at my door; I got up, forgetting I was only in underwear, putting on my sleepy-looking act; I pulled open the door and gasped in shock, seeing who was there.

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