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I walked into the student lounge dragging the first redhead boy I saw to the side

B- are you Jason Blossom?
?- no, why are you looking for my cousin?
B- none of your business. Is he in the lounge?
?- none of your business
B- *snorts* you do realize who you're talking to, right?
A- yh, and I don't care. I'm not afraid of you, Elizabeth
B- *slams him against the wall and chokes him* listen, I don't know who you think you're talking to, but it's surel-
A- you look hot being dominant
B- don't do redheads, especially boys like you-...
J- Archie, what's taking you so lo- uh, what's going on
B- Archie *finishes her previous sentence with his name, then turns to Jughead* do you know where Jason is, Jughead?
J- oh, he's right over there looking for Archie. Should I get him?
B- yes, please, you're such a doll *winks*

Jughead smirked and left to get Jason, and I squeezed Archie's neck tighter before kicking him in his private area

A- ahhh fuck!
B- wasn't so hard to do, was it?
A- that hurts
B- that was the point, dumb ass, and by the way, I don't do small dicks either
A- who says it's small?
B- I just kneed you there and felt nothing
A- and you think Jughead's own is bigger; I saw you guys flirting
B- *tight lip smile* mhmm, I know it's bigger
A- how would you know
B- coz I ha-
Ja- what do you want?
B- *loses Archie's neck* to talk to you
Ja- I'm listening
B- alone
Ja- sure
B- *turns to the others and winks at jughead* I'll see you later?
A- definitely
B- Archie, I'm not into redheads for the millionth time!!! *turns to Jason* no offense
Ja- none taken. Can we go somewhere private, please? I'm not supposed to be talking to any of you guys
B- mhmm, figures. Lead the way; I'm new here
B- a janitor's closet? You think this is a hookup call
Ja- no I-
B- chill out; I'm just joking *laughs*
Ja- oh *nervously chuckles* so what do you need
B- mhmm, I need for you not to tell your parents about Cheryl
Ja- but I have-
B- you don't have to, Jason; why would you tell on your little sister
Ja- we're the same age
B- You were born five minutes before here, am I correct? *raises right brow*
Ja- well, yes but-
B- no buts, you know she will get in serious trouble if you tell on her, right?
Ja- yes, but I didn't send her to talk to a serpent, much less hook up with one
B- and aren't you talking to one right now, the serpent queen at that
Ja- well, yes, but nobody doesn't know that, am I right?
B- Nah, you're mistaken. Ali come here
Al- hey, Betty
B- hey, girl. So, my friend Alianna was recording everything from before we came here. Oh, she also has pictures and videos from you guy's hookup; you wouldn't want that getting to mama or papa Blossom now, will ya
Ja- you friends with her, Ali? please don't do this
Al- sorry, babe, gotta listen to my boss
Ja- *gasp* your a serpent?
Al- indeed I am. Now would you be a doll and not tell on your sister, because then imma have to share this and tag your parents right after sending it to Cheryl
Ja- are you guys seriously blackmailing me right now?!
B- not necessarily; more like negotiating with you on Cheryl's behalf
Ja- wowww, serpents helping out a northsider, the serpent queen at that, color me shocked
B- I'm not always mean, you know; I just have to survive out here in this cruel world. See you around, maybe. Let's go, Ali
Al- bye babe *blows him a kiss and walks out with Betty*

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