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Life's fantastic; Jughead's whole family accepted me for who I am; Fp and his other halves actually made up. Talking about family making up, I met my mom; she was living on the streets and couldn't support me, so when she saw the family leaving, she put me down and hid in hopes one of them would take me and give me the life she couldn't give me, I forgave her, she only wanted me to be happy and healthy. Her name is Alice Smith, and she actually owns Riverdale newspaper now and makes lots of money; my dad cheated on her and took everything from her leaving her homeless and with a newborn, and from that day, she never saw Hal Cooper again. I visit her every Saturday while she visits me every Sunday; she actually sends me five thousand dollars every two weeks; she says it's to make up for all the times she didn't support me, I told her it's ok because she didn't have it, but she insists; so. Jughead is the serpent king has been for nine years; you can say I corrupted the little north side, golden boy. We have two kids, Andrea Elizabeth Jones and Andrew Forsythe Jones; they're six-year-old twins, a girl, and a boy. Jughead and I have been married for eight years in total; the last ten years of my life have been incredible.

Cheryl and Toni have been married for six years, and they're doing great; they even adopted two sisters named Charlotte Anne Topaz, who's four years old, and Skylar Kierra Topaz, who's two years old; they have the same mom but different dads. If you couldn't tell already, they all took the Topaz last name, including Cheryl.

Veronica and Sweetpea have actually been married for four years; she finally gave into sweetpea after two years of him trying to get with her; they actually have a son together, his name is Matthew Isiah Lewis (Lewis is sweetpea's last name), he's one year old and so cute.

Reggie has a girlfriend named Lili-Rose Grant; she is very friendly and pretty; she can't have kids tho, but Reggie really loves her and says they can adopt or get a surrogate; they're actually going through an adoption for a boy named Michael Ethan Myers (soon to be mantle) as Reggie and Lili-Rose are already engaged.

Fangs and Kevin are together; they actually just came back from their honeymoon; their exact words were we're not adopting any kids; we want to stay young and adventurous, and besides, we have enough nieces and nephews.

Archie is still a hoe, and he's still too slow for my liking, but I learned to ignore him when necessary; well, most of the time, we all live together. He literally hits on all the girls in the house as if we're not married or we'll cheat on our significant other for him. Luckily he stopped hitting on us, and have been seeing Lili-Rose's younger sister named, Stella Cammile Grant, for a little over a month; hopefully, it stays that way because she's a lovely girl.

 Luckily he stopped hitting on us, and have been seeing Lili-Rose's younger sister named, Stella Cammile Grant, for a little over a month; hopefully, it stays that way because she's a lovely girl

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