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Jughead and I have been together for three months now, and I've never been happier. He's very caring and overprotective of me; it's actually quite funny as I'm literally a gang leader. Today I'm very nervous, it's Friday, and I'm staying at Jugheads over the weekend, which means I'll be meeting his parents. School ended, and we began our journey to the north side, seeing as I had already packed my bag for this. I went shopping yesterday for a new outfit seeing as my wardrobe is dark; I was dressed to impress.

 I went shopping yesterday for a new outfit seeing as my wardrobe is dark; I was dressed to impress

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We finally pulled into the yard, and I was so nervous to the point my palms were sweating; Jughead picked me up this morning because I didn't want to bring my bike; these northsiders are way too judgy, and besides, I'm wearing a dress

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We finally pulled into the yard, and I was so nervous to the point my palms were sweating; Jughead picked me up this morning because I didn't want to bring my bike; these northsiders are way too judgy, and besides, I'm wearing a dress.

J- you'll be fine, babe
B- how do you know that?!
J- because you have me?
B- you don't even sound too sure yourself
J- would a kiss make you feel better?
B- I don't know, maybe?
J- ok *kisses her* you ready?
B- Yh, let's get this over with
J- now that's the spirit, Cooper
B- mhmmm, can I have a piggyback ride
J- of course, hop on

He grabbed my stuff, and I hopped on his back, hiding my face in his neck as he entered the door.

J- we're here!
F- hey boy, "his dad said, ruffling his hair."
J- dad, stop *he groans*
BJ- you must be Betty
B- that's me *nervously chuckles*
BJ- From what Jughead says, you don't seem shy "my head quickly shoots up, and I turn red; please don't tell me he tells his parents know everything."
B- uhhh- "I said, rubbing the back of my neck nervously."
BJ- it's nothing bad; he just said you're are a badass, and you know how to fight, he also said you're a great cooker and baker, so I challenge you to a bake off
B- ohh, I'm definitely not shy, I was just nervous, and challenge accepted Mrs-
BJ- don't even think about it; call me Beatrice
B- got you, "I said, going to shake her hand, but she pulled me into a hug instead" You know I like to beat my rice when I'm cooking?
BJ/J/F- what?
B- you know Beatrice, Beat-rice, I like to Beat my rice when I'm cooking "they all laughed, getting the joke now."
BJ- I like this girl; she's a keeper son
F- yup, definitely
J- *whispers* see I told you everything would be fine
B- *whispers* Yh, you did, didn't you?
J- *whispers* mhmmm
B- *whispers* I want to kiss you so bad right now
J- *whispers* then kiss me *shrugs*
B- *whispers* no, your parents are right there
J- *whispers* ok, an-
F- what are you two whispering about?
J- Betty wants a kiss, but you guys are here, so she's scared
B- I'm not scared; it's just weird *shrug*
BJ- oh honey, it isn't weird; I want to see this
J- ok, no, you saying that is making this extra weird
BJ- I just wanna- ok, it does sound weird, but just a little peck
B- uhhh
BJ- pleaseee
B- ok fine *pecks his lip*
BJ- OH-MY-GOD, so cute!!! "She squealed, pulling me into a hug, lifting me off the ground, and kissing my cheek."
J- you can lose my girlfriend now, mom. I'm pretty sure she can't breathe right now
BJ- but she's so soft
J- Yh, I know that, and so do all of our friends; I think she needs a break from hugs, well, except from me
BJ- fine! Have all of your girlfriend hugs, "she said, putting me down as Jughead pulled me into his side."
J- bye, mom and dad, love you, "he said, leading us to his room."
F- keeps the door open, or don't, I don't care, I'm pretty sure you guys already did stuff, "his dad yelled"
J- bye, dad, we're going to take a nap, "Jug yelled back, shutting the door."

We stripped down to our underwear, and of course, I took Jug's shirt. We cuddled and talked in bed until we fell asleep, being woken up by Beatrice for dinner.

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