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B- I think I broke a girl's arm in school today

Fp- honey, what?!

B- I'm sorry, I didn't mean too *sobs into his shoulder*

Fp- *rubs her head* why did you do it?

B- impulse?

Fp- honey, I told you, you need to stop moving on impulse

B- I know, I'm trying to, but she and her friends just kept talking about us, especially me

Fp- I'm sorry that's happening to you guys. Has anybody been nice to you guys?

B- Yh, a girl named Veronica offered us a tour and said she doesn't judge a book by its cover

Fp- well, you can be friends with her, she seems nice and smart

B- and expensive *chuckles* she hates sweetpea *giggles*

Fp- let me guess, he was an ass?! *laughs*

B- Yh, she came there asking if we were the new students, and sweetpea said *who give it away* sarcastically and meanly, and she imitated him rolling her eyes, I wanted to laugh so bad, so I just blew a bubble and popped it to stop me.

Fp- seems like she isn't afraid of you all

B- Yh, definitely not; she rolled her eyes at me when I popped the bubble, and she was like, "anyways, as I was saying," and continued

Fp- she's a badass; she could be you and Toni's friend

B- Yh, maybe she could *sad smile*

Fp- anybody caught your eyes? *raises eyebrows continuously twice*

B- *blushes*

Fp- somebody did?! Tell me!!!

B- *laughs and shakes her head*

Fp- tell me, or I tickle you

B- nope *pops the p*

Fp- *starts tickling her*

B- *laughs* ok, ok, I'll tell you. You little kid

Fp- I'm young at heart. Now tell me before I start tickling you again

B- *giggles* fine, there's this boy and we kind of... Uhm

Fp- you guys hooked up, didn't you? *laughs*

B- *blushes* uhhh, Yh, we did

Fp- did you guys use protection at least?

B- Yh, we did

Fp- well, at least you were safe. Did you start crushing on him before or after the hookup?

B- I told him he was hot *scratches the back of her neck*

Fp- tell me more!

B- uhm... he said I was too, and I asked him if he wanted to take it to the bathroom, and then we went there and had some good-

Fp- that's enough tea for me, your bold, you know?!

B- I've been told so before *smirks*

Fp- when did all of this hookup stuff happen?

B- yesterday *blushes and smiles*

Fp- and you didn't tell me!!!

B- you sound like Toni right now

Fp- damn, on the first day.

B- uhhh, Yh?

Fp- Child, you wild!!! R.I.P that pussy, ayeee!!!

B- FP!!! *burst of laughing*

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