chapter 3- The beginning of a dreadful adventure

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TW: blood, abuse and swearing. Well, there's wearing on each chapter lol

Espresso woke up to someone hitting his shoulder repeatedly.

"Huh?" Espresso grunted as he woke up. He looked behind his and rasberry was trying to wake him up with her foot.

"Mmm mmm mmm!" Raspberry couldn't talk, the cloth on her mouth was shutting her up.

"Raspberry! Your awake! Dark enchantress threatened to kill Latte and the others if I don't join their team and they put this collar on my neck! She can electracute me anytime she wants with just 1 button!" Espresso said. He could talk clearly since dark enchantress forgot to put the cloth back on espressos mouth.

Raspberry looked at her surroundings, but she couldn't find anything sharp to cut the rope tied around her body. Raspberry then turned to espresso and tried to tell espresso somthing.

"Mm! Mmm mm mmm!" Raspberry said. Espresso arched a brow at her, and raspberry lowered her brows and sighed. Raspberry then looked at espressos hands, trying to tell him to create a flaming coffee bean.

"Huh?" Espresso wasn't getting anything she was gesturing, and just stared at her, a brow lowered.

" know what, I have a better Idea. I'll summon a flaming coffee bean to burn the rope and get us out." Espresso said. Raspberry jaw opened, and she gave an angry sigh since she couldn't slap her face.

Espresso tried summoning a flaming coffee bean, but it was complicated. His hands were tied to the candy Cane, so it was difficult.

"Ugh, I can't." Espresso said.

Suddenly, someone started approaching them. It was a man, chocolate skin, tall, wearing all black and was even wearing a black mask and hood. The man suddenly took off his mask and bent down  to espresso.

"Dark choco!? I thought you quit being evi-"

"Sh! Dark enchantress will hear you." Dark choco said, untieing the rope to free espresso and raspberry.

"How did you get in here!? There's no doors or windows here!" Espresso asked.

"I got in through the vent, and were getting out through the vent too." Dark choco said, freeing espresso and Raspberry. Raspberry finally freed her own mouth, and everyone rushed to the vent dark choco had climbed through.

"Quick! Climb on my shoulder and get in the vent!" Dark choco said. Suddenly, a voice from behind spoke.

"Trying to escape, I see." Dark enchantress said. Espresso suddenly got electrocuted, causing him to let go of the side of the vent and fall out of dark choco's shoulder. Espresso was now laying on the ground, twitching and yelping in pain as his whole body was killing him.

Dark enchantress laughed at his misery, and raspberry suddenly got into a defensive pose. She went infront of espresso, but she knew she was useless without her sword.

"What are you going to do without your sword, you pathetic pink girl? As for you dark choco," dark enchantress didn't even finish her sentance and pointed her finger at him.

"Licorice, now!" Dark enchantress screamed. Dark choco turned around, wide-eyed to see licorice about to hit him with his thycilyne. (Forgot how to spell it :<)

Raspberry suddenly pushed him with all her might, leaving espresso there.

"Hm. Okay. I'm not bothered to fight you myself, let's see how you manage my cake monsters. Dark enchantress said, summoning multiple devilish circles on the ground. Cake monsters suddenly emerged from each circle, and they all looked ready to attack. Raspberry didn't have a sword to attack with, and neither did dark choco.

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