chapter 7- true fun.

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Espresso was reading in his usual position, when someone knocked on the door again.

"Latte, I know it's you." Espresso said.

"No, it's madeliene!" Madeliene screamed.

"Gosh, why does everyone have to interupt my reading." Espresso mumbled, opening the door.

"Uhm...hey!" Madeliene said, waving his hand with a smile. His other hand was hiding somthing behind his back, but his long blonde hair was completely covering it.

"Hey?" Espresso said, waving at him. It went silent for a while, then espresso started to slowly close the door.

"W-wait! Sorry I didn't say anything..I was..distracted." madeliene said, pushing back the door.

"What do you want?" Espresso said.

"Well, Latte decided to retry the bounty, with extra people this time. She sent me to ask you if you'd wanna come, but of course I'll- We'll protect you!" Madeliene said.

"But I can fly? I don't need protecting."

"Well, I'd want me to carry you aga- nevermind! So do you wanna come?" Madeliene changed the subject before he could embarrass himself.

"" Espresso said, slamming the door. Once espresso wasn't visible, his mood completely changed from a flat face to a flustered face.

"He wanted to carry me, he really wanted to carry me." Espresso whispered. He suddenly heard a paper sound sliding through somthing below him. He looked down and saw a 'get better soon' card.

"I-I just wanted to uhm..give you that!" Madeliene said from the door. Espresso picked it up, and smiled warmly.

"O-okay bye!" Madeliene said, running off to the tropical islands. Espresso opened the card, and there was a bit of writing on there.
Hey espresso! I hope your feeling well.

I just wanted to ask if you'd want to mabye go hang out with me and my sister in Saturday. We're going to the up coming carnival, and We'd love for you to come. We tried asking Latte, but she had plans.

You don't have to come! You can stay home to rest your injured leg, if you want.


Espressos heart started racing at the thought of him and madeliene, walking together. Why was he feeling this?

He went over to his calender, and wrote somthing in Saturday.

'Madeliene and Cream puff carnival' he wrote.


Madeliene ran back to Latte and the other cookie, huffing and puffing for breath.

"So did espresso accept?" Latte asked.

"No. I mean, he needs rest from his injured leg." Madeliene said, still breathing heavily.

"Oh. Well here are the cookies I invited! Raspberry, mango, black raisin, financier, and custard!" Latte said. Madeliene didn't seem impressed though.

"Uhm...latte, can I speak with you for a sec?" Madeliene said, pulling Latte into a corner.

"First of all, why black raisin? She can't do anything but send crows to peck on the enemy!" Madeliene said.

"Oh, I invited her so she can send a crow for help incase a situation like last time happens." Latte replied.

"Well, why financier? Aren't I a good enough swordsman!"

"I got her because you and her have some connections, and you two could work together!"

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