chapter 9- I told you Id be back.

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Tw: a bit of hurtful stuff

Madeliene went on his way home, not wanting to see his 'valentine' again. Suddenly, he got tugged back by his scarf, choking his slightly. He fell down, and someone jumped on top of him.

"Hey! Why did you run away from me? Do you not love me!?" Chocolate cookie screamed, pulling on his blue scarf.

"What!? I-I forgot!" Madeliene said. Madelienes eyes widened when he saw that she was holding out a knife. Madeliene kicked her off and ran away into his house as fast as he could. He instantly took out his phone and started calling sparkling.

"You say chocolate cookie is okay!? She tried to kill me!" Madeliene screamed. But sparkling seemed confused.

"What are you talking about?" Sparkling asked.

"What the fuck do you mean!? The girl you told me to meet is psycho!"

"Madeliene, what are you talking about?"

"The girl you set me up with! How do you not know!?"

"I think your crazy madeliene."

"Okay then, do you remember your date for valentines?"

"What date?"


"I'm not going on a date with herb."

"Then who was I talking to yesterday?"

"I don't know but it certainly wasn't me." Saying that, madeliene gasped a bit. Madeliene hung up the phone, and checked his window. The girl had disappeared.

"Huh. Now where did that girl g-"

"Dont you love me!?" Someone pounced on his back, pulling on his scarf, causing him to choke a bit.

"Alright, licorice. That's enough acting." Another calm, wicked voice said. Madeliene turned his head a bit, and 'chocolate cookie' turned into licorice. Madeliene then looked at the other person talking, who was sparkling.

"Sparkling! Your part of the evil team!?" Madeliene asked.

"Indeed I am, but I am not sparkling either." Sparkling said in a calm, female voice. Red smoke and mist suddenly popped up around sparkling, and when the smoke and mist faded, he saw that it was Pomagranate, looking at him with such beady eyes.

"Take him. His friends won't be able to save him now that we have disguises." Pomagranate said. Licorice summoned a portal as he shoved madeliene in. Pomagranate and licorice went in the portal also, an there they were. Gone.

Meanwhile, Espresso was walking home, reading a book as he walked. He then stopped and reached for bag to put back his book, when he suddenly noticed a strand of madeliene hair on his upper sleve.

"Ew, madeliene hair." Espresso said, brushing off the strand. He suddenly remembered madelienes kind offer of the glazed donut, and he decided that he'd visit his house to thank him personally, so he changed directions. He soon regretted going there.

He knocked on the door, but nobody answered. He knocked again, but nobody answered. He looked through his wondow and saw a slight view of a black tunnel. Just then, someone came up behind him.

"Hey Espresso!" A man said. He turned around, and saw madeliene. Except, he looked kinda odd. He seemed nervous, and he could see a bit of red mist on his hair.

"Uuh, hey, madeliene? What's that's on your hair by the way?" Espresso said, reaching his hand to his hair.

"No!"Madeliene suddenly grabbed his wrist nervously, but then he smirked. Madeliene then grabbed his waist and started flirting with him.

Hated him with a passionWhere stories live. Discover now