chapter 6- insecurity.

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No TWs this time :D

Espresso was at home, reading books since he didn't have work for the next 2 weeks. His reading was suddenly interupted when someone knocked on the door.

"Its Latte!" Latte screamed. Espresso rolled his eyes and shut his book.

"Latte, you always come unannounced." Espresso said, walking to the door. He was surprised to see that Latte had a towel over her, and she was carrying a basket full of beach items.

"I was going to the beach with madeliene and his family, and I thought I'd invite my family too!" Latte said.

"No. I don't feel like it." Espresso was about to close the door, when Latte put her foot in between.

"Dont leave me hanging, espresso! I'll be the only caffeine cookie there, and it will be awkward if you aren't there with me!" Latte said, pushing against the door.

"No. I'm not going." Espresso said, pushing the door back also.

"Just come with me!"

"No! I don't want to!"


"Insecurity reasons!"

"You never have fun!"


"This is your only chance!"


The siblings were both pushing the door with all their might, and people were giving them strange glances.

"Just come with me, pleeeeeease!"

"But I don't even have a bathing suit!"

"I have one for you!"

"Oh yeah? Show me." Espresso asked to see the bathing suit. He thought she had gotten a suit that would cover his entire body, but Latte actually got shorts for him.

She thought of this as a opportunity to get espresso in.

"Hm..ill show you if you come with me." Latte said.

"Well, does it cover my entire body?" Espresso asked.

"...yeah! It does!" Latte lied only to get espresso out of his house for once.

"Mmmm....I feel like your lying..." Espresso peeked his head at Latte, giving her a suspicious glare.

"No no! I swear I'm not!" Latte said, waving her hands. Espresso stared at her for a while, until he gave his answer.

"No." Espresso slammed the door on her, and Latte got angry. He would always refuse to hang out with his sister, and this time, he'd hang out with his sister weather he liked it or not.


"Guys! I got espresso!" Latte said, pulling on espressos wrist. Madeliene was wearing blue shorts with a white jacket, hair tied back with shades up his head. he was surprised to see that espresso had come too.

"Oh. I didn't expect espresso to come." Madeliene said.

"Yeah well, he has a fun side too-"

"She forced me to-"

"Espresso." Latte turned her head to espresso, glaring at him with such wicked eyes.

"Dont. Tell. Them." Latte said. Espresso, knowing he would get whopped, stayed quiet.

"Okay! So espresso, get changed. I'll grab you bathing suit!" Latte said, taking stuff out of her bag.

"Hey wait, you haven't even shown me YOUR bathing suit." Espresso said.

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