chapter 10- his specialty gone.

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Espresso woke up, still with madelienes head between his knees (Not sexually).

"Hey, madeliene." Espresso whispered, hitting the side of madelienes head.

"What?" Madeliene whispered back, turning his head with his eyes squinted.

"Get up, I need to go to work." Espresso said, but madeliene ignored him and fell back asleep on his leg.

"Madeliene, get up!" Espresso said, but madeliene snored away. Espresso rolled his eyes and gently layed madeliene down on the floor.

"I'll just leave you here then." Espresso said. He went to his room, got ready, and went to the kitchen to get his lunch prepared too. The silence was ruined all of a sudden, and He suddenly jumped back in surprise when he heard someone groaning loudly.

"Espresso? Where are you?" Madeliene asked. Espresso sighed, and turned his head behind him.

"I'm in the kitchen, madeliene." Espresso said. Madeliene got up, and went to the kitchen.

"Greetings, espresso!" Madeliene said, putting a hand on espressos shoulder.

"Please don't yell this early, madeliene." Espresso said, making himself an espresso as usual. Madeliene stared at him as he stirred the cup with a small spoon, and espresso felt uncomfortable.

"Madeliene, why are you staring at me? It's making me uncomfortable." Espresso said. Madeliene snapped out of his thoughts and apologised to him.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! I was just wondering about..somthing." madeliene said.

"Wondering about what?"

"On why you always cover your left eye with your hair." Madeliene said. He then reached his hand out and tucked espressos hair behind his ear to get a good look at his eye that he'd been covering.

"W-what are you doing!?" Espresso said, stepping back as he fixed his hair again.

"I wanna see what your other eye looks like!" Madeliene said, walking over to him. Espresso took a few steps back again, and madeliene arched a brow.

"What's wrong with your eye? I'm sure it can't be that bad." Madeliene said, following him. Espresso was then cornered between the counter and madeliene, and madeliene reached his hand out to look at it again.

"Stop it, madeliene!" Espresso grabbed a cup of water in the corner and flung it at his face. Madeliene tried to use his hands as protection, but it had already drenched his face. Madeliene lowered his hands slowly, and opened his eyes, disappointedly.

"So your eye is THAT ugly that you had to throw water at me to avoid me looking at it?" Madeliene said. Espresso glared at him, and sped walked away towards the door.

"Wait! I didn't mean it, I'm sure your other eye looks fine!" Madeliene said, following espresso again.

"No, your first statement was right. I'm going to head off to work, if your going to stay here, then don't break anything." Espresso said, grabbing his bag from the diner table.

"Can I just pleeease see it?" Madeliene said, blocking the door.

"No, I don't feel comfortable sharing my insecurities. Just get out." Espresso said. Madeliene reached his hand, and he got a small peek of it before espresso backed away.

"Are you deaf!? I just said that I don't feel comfortable!" Espresso said, but madeliene didn't listen. He reached his hand again, and espresso backed away. Soon, espresso got annoyed and eventually slapped him.

"Just stop!" Espresso screamed. He stormed over to the door and slammed it on his way out, and madeliene realised what he'd done.


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