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Few weeks later:

It has been 5 weeks after the confession between Parth and Aarohi. They were so much in love. They were still falling for each other harder than before. Isn't it the meaning of Love. Love... Such a beautiful word. And more than that such a beautiful feeling. It doesn't have boundaries. You can never define love properly. There is no fixed definition. You can't mould it in any shape or volume. It's infinite.

Parth and Aarohi were new to this feeling. They didn't know about how it feels to be in relationship. They were each other's first. They were committed to someone first time. There relationship was not perfect but they were learning. But this fact didn't confuse them. They really were sure about each other. Parth knew there is noone besides Aarohi with whom he wants to spend his life with. He wants to hold her, protect her, care for her, love her with every fibre of his body. He consider himself very lucky that she too loves him. For Aarohi it was like fairies and butterflies. Parth was the first person who was close with her like this. Sure, it was also Parth's first relationship but in past when he was in London he had a fling. Not a serious relationship but he tried to make one. But after sometime he realized he just doesn't like that girl. And he decided that he will only date someone if he loves them. He just went on couple of dates. And Aarohi was someone whom he loves so much. For him she surely was most beautiful girl in the world. And she really was.

Aarohi had received many confessions before Parth but she just didn't feel right. With Parth everything seemed natural to her. Also she liked him for a long time. He was oblivious about that. But after they became friends, things changed. And things changed for good only. Now they were couple. Aarohi trusts Parth. She knew he is genuine about his feelings and he wouldn't hurt her intentionally. She was very much in love with him. As I said it was fairies and butterflies for her. Whenever Parth touch her, she feels butterflies in her stomach.

In this 5 weeks they learned about each other a lot. Most of the time they were busy with study and work. Mostly Parth. But he managed to take some time for them. Also Aarohi decided that she will not directly go to the office by herself. She decided to leave her bike at apartment and would go to work with her friend. Their apartment was between their college and office. So, it was convenient for her. Because of that Parth and Aarohi started to come home together. On weekends they decided to spend all the time with each other. They studied together. Sometimes they bought groceries together. They even went to bowling once again. They would watch movies while cuddling. They even went on a movie date. Also one time Parth made blanket and pillow fort in living room for their date. He made some hot chocolate and ordered pizza. Nothing big. Simple and cozy date. And it was Aarohi's favourite date. She was really happy. They cooked together for couple of times. Aarohi taught Parth some easy dishes. They had come more closer in this weeks. Not physically but emotionally. They hadn't kissed yet. Not a proper kiss. They want to but.... Some things would disturb them. They just hugged and kissed each other's cheeks and foreheads. Nothing else. More physical contact would happen when Aarohi sit on Parth's lap or when they backhugged each other. They would  cuddle while watching movies sometimes. Nothing more. But everything was really going very good for them.

It was a saturday morning. It was 5:00 am. Aarohi woke up earlier today. She wanted to sleep more but she was not able to sleep. She woke up and took shower. She decided to go in Parth's room.

Aarohi slowly went in Parth's room. He was still asleep. She smiled looking at him. She went on a bed cautiously to not wake him up and laid besides him. Aarohi was looking at Parth. She caressed his cheek softly. She moved more closer to him. She then moved her hand to his head and started moving her fingers in his hair. She leaned a little closer to him and very softly pecked his forehead. Aarohi was looking at him very lovingly. She put her hand on Parth's torso.

"I Love You so much..." She murmured.

"I Love You too Baby..." Parth said and opened his eyes.

Aarohi blushed. She removed her hand from his torso and covered her face with her hands.

"Don't hide that beautiful face of yours, love." Parth said while removing her hands. She looked at him.

"When did you wake up?" She asked in small voice.

"When you settled on a bed. What time it is? Am I late?" He asked and yawned.

"It's still early. I wasn't able to sleep. That's why I come here. Go to sleep." She said. He nodded.

Parth pulled Aarohi more closer. She placed her arm on his torso once again and smiled. Parth put his hand on her waist. She snuggled into him. He pecked her forehead.

"Go to sleep. We have time." He said while caressing her hair. She hummed and closed her eyes after mumbling 'you too.' In some time they slept in each other's warmth.

After an hour or more Parth woke up. It was 7:30 in the morning. He opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping beauty in front of him. He smiled. She was looking very beautiful and cute and ethernal at the same time. Some hair strands were disturbing his view. He tucked them behind her ear. He felt so lucky to have her like this in his arms. He softly pecked her forehead and got up. He went in bathroom and did his morning routines. After taking shower he came in his room and saw Aarohi cuddling with pillow. He chuckled at the view and took her photo. He saved her picture on a homescreen. It was cute.

Parth decided to make breakfast for both of them. Yes. Aarohi taught him to make some things. And he is a quick learner. So, Parth slowly came out of his room and went in kitchen. He made some pancakes, sandwiches, fried eggs and juice. He went to his room to check if Aarohi was awake or not. She was still sleeping. He decided to give her breakfast in bedroom. He came in the kitchen again. He served pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries just like Aarohi loves. He then put the plate of sandwiches and fried eggs in tray. He put glass of orange juice. He took extra plate with fork and knife. After putting and decorating everything he came in his room with breakfast in his hand. He put the tray on a table.

Aarohi was still asleep. It was 8:45 in the morning. Parth settled besides her. He stroked her hair and kissed her cheek. She stirred in her sleep.

"Good Morning, Love..." He said.

She didn't reply and scrunched her face. Parth chuckled.

"Wake up Aarohi..." He said while shaking her slowly.

Aarohi opened her eyes a little. She looked at Parth's smiling face and smiled a little. She got up and yawned. She shifted to Parth's lap and encircled her arms around his neck. He held her waist instinctively. She rested her head on his chest. Parth started to stroke her hair.

"Slept well?" He asked in soft voice.

She hummed.

"Good Morning..." She said and pecked his cheek.

He kissed her forehead.

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