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After 18 months:

It has been almost 2 years since Parth has came to Bangalore. And yesterday he got his Master's degree. His and Aarohi's parents were there with them yesterday.

This 2 years has been the best time of their lives. After that incident Aarohi took some time to become normal. But after that they realized the care and importance of each other in their lives. And they were in so much love. This two years have passed with their happiness, lots of dates, more than that with alot of hugs, kisses and cuddles, Makeouts here and there and so much of love. It was just a paradise. Many problems came and they have learned how to fight with it together. And as they have promised, they never fought and they never hurted each other. Whenever they had problem, they talked with each other. They were together for most of the time.

Back to Present:

"You have packed everything right?" Aarohi asked again..

She have asked this question for more than 20 times in last 10 minutes. Parth sighed and sat on the bed. He forwarded his hand in front of her. She took his hand. He pulled her and made her sit on his lap.

"Yes Love... You have checked it... How many times you want to ask the same question?" Parth asked. Aarohi leaned and put her head on his shoulder. She hugged him.

"I know. I just don't want you to miss anything...." She said and tears rolled down her eyes. He made her sit in front of him and cupped her face. He wiped her tears.

"I am gonna miss you Aarohi... Please don't cry..." He said softly. She nodded and hugged him.

"I will miss you too... Can't you stay here? We will go after 1 year..." She knew that she was being unreasonable.

"You know I can't. Look baby... I need to go there and should start working as soon as possible. And also I will come here whenever I get time. You will also come to meet me right?" He asked.

"Ofcourse yes." She said.

"So now Don't cry my baby... I am going tomorrow not today..." He said and kissed her forehead.

"I Love you..." She said.

"I Love you too..." He said.

"Listen Parth... Should I go back to hostel?" Aarohi asked while playing with his hand.

"It's your choice bub... You can live here. Or if you want you can ask Diya to accompany you..." Parth said while rubbing her back.

"No. She doesn't want to... I think I would like to stay here only. But I am taking your room." She said.

"Whatever you want Aaru... Now tell me should we go somewhere today?" He asked.

"No. You will be tired. You have to go back tomorrow and you have lots of work." She said.

"It's ok Love... Then we will just visit your favourite spot... Ok? We will go on a dinner and then on drive... Is it alright?" He asked.

"No... We will go there but today I want to cook dinner for you... After dinner we will go there..." Aarohi said.

"Ok. I will help you..." Parth said.

"Parth.... I have something for you... Wait here..." She said and ran to her room. He chuckled and waited. In couple of minutes Aarohi came with a little gift in her hand. She sat in front of him and handed him that gift. Parth opened it. It was a painting made by her. It was a couple staring at starry night. There was infinity sign. He stared at the painting with smile. And also there was a customized pen with his name on it.

"Thank you so much Aarohi... I love you alot..." He said and kissed her forehead.

"I Love You too... And remember to use this pen when you take over the company. Keep it with you." She said and pecked his cheeks. Parth nodded.

"Let's take a nap. You are tired. And me too." Aarohi said. Parth nodded and they both laid on the bed.

After some time, Parth and Aarohi were in kitchen.

"Why are you testing my patience Parth? Don't disturb me, or don't come in kitchen." Aarohi said with frustration. Parth was not letting her do work. She asked him to help in chopping. He started chopping vegetables, but when Aarohi was doing preparation for the cake, he came from behind and started mixing ingredients. He said he wanted to make dessert. So, When Aarohi asked him to make batter he nodded. She started to cut the vegetables, then again he came from behind. It happened for couple of times. And now Aarohi was frustrated.

"But I want to help you..." Parth said and gave her puppy eyes. Aarohi started laughing. She came near him and pinched his cheek.

"You look cute. I should have taken a picture." She said between her laugh. Parth was looking at her with smile of adoration.

"The great Parth Agrawal. University topper. Gold medalist. Known for his cold attitude. The next CEO of Agrawal Enterprises and Industries is giving puppy eyes. It is so funny. You look cute, baby..." Aarohi said. He backhugged her and sighed.

"It is not for the world sweetheart. They don't need to know these things. Also why are you spoiling our romantic mood?" He mumbled in her ear. She turned and pushed him lightly.

"Ok Mr. Romantic. And I know this cute baby is only for me. But let me do work. Please." She said while giving him puppy eyes and pecked his cheeks. Parth smiled and nodded. He pecked her cheeks and left her.

"I swear now I will behave. I will do chopping. You may proceed with dessert." He said.

Finally after some time the dinner was ready. They made Cream of tomato soup, white sauce pasta with garlic bread, pizza and bluberry lemon cake.

They had their dinner and then got ready. They went to their stargazing spot.





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