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I fall asleep my arms around Charlottes waist. Her skin warm and soft against mine. No dreams tonight no talk with the Council no conversations with Lord Tallinn no anything. Before I know it I feel a jab in my stomach.

I open my eyes slowly.

"V" I hear Charlotte say.

"yeah?" My voice husky and tired.

"so you know how you said you would drive me to school?" I can feel her skin hotter then normal. A tiny layer of sweat covering her, yet she's shivering.

"are you not feeling well?"

"yeah kind of. I feel like not going but my mom would kill me. Either way I'm already dead for not coming home"

"it's ok you don't have to go. Would you like to use my phone?"

"yeah that would be nice" I feel around he table next to my bed. I find my phone passing it to her. She takes a deep breath sitting up.

"do you need help?"

"no it's okay I'm fine."

She winces slightly getting out of bed and hopping to the kitchen. I hear her talking but choose to ignore it. I don't like listening in on other people. She comes back limping into the bedroom. I stand up carrying her back to the bed. I set her on my lap. She lays herself on my chest not even trying to hold herself up anymore.


"my mother said I could stay. I told her I got robbed in an ally and so she says I can come back when I'm better"

"that's good"

"she says she's going to call the school and excuse me for a week. The bad thing is I don't have a change of clothes"

"you know you could always wear mine"

"I don't have another pair of underwear along with another bra"

"yeahh that's going to be a problem. Do you want to stop by and grab some things?"

"no my mother wouldn't let me leave if I did go over there"

"Iliana could go and grab you some clothes"

"that'll be nice"

"you're really hot"


"no hot as in sick feverish hot" I place my hand on her forehead. She's burning up.

"oh really I don't feel hot. I actually feel cold" I pull her into a hug.

"I'll go call Iliana later today. As for now I need to make you feel better"

"yeah that's a good idea. Maybe you can rub my arms to make me warmer"

"you're already blazing hot. I'm going to be right back. Going to grab a towel" I move her gently onto the bed. I walk towards the bathroom tossing her my jacket along the way. She smiles catching it hugging it close to her.

I wonder into the bathroom quickly brushing my teeth and grabbing a small face towel from the closet and damping it. I bring it over to her putting it on her forehead. She's wearing my jacket the sleeves hugging her body as she continues to shiver.

I sit next to her hugging her against me.



"of all people why me?"


"why did you choose me?"

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