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I sit at the edge of the stairs. Waiting for Charlotte. She makes me feel like my life is normal that its whole and not screwed up. I can here her voice singing softly. She has such a beautiful voice. She should really sing more. Charlotte is so weird she looks like the type of person thats closed off and antisocial yet she looked at me as if we met before.

I feel like we have met before in another life or in another deminsion. I stand up and start walking. Walking helps me clear my mind. Earlier today or was it yesterday I can't remember but it was sometime. I had this dream about Lia. Charlotte was there too and she told me about her dream. It sounded much like my dream.

I guess dreams are like this one hugs route that connects each other. They connect people they let us communicate with each other even without us knowing it. Dreams are a weird thing because as simple as a turn here and there it could turn into a nightmare. Nightmares are just twisted up dreams that uses your fears against you.

It's been about a couple of days maybe even a week since I've left my mom alone. Somedays I think about her. I wonder if she's still drunk. Who knows anymore. Someday when I have time I might give her a visit or two. I pull out my phone to check if I have any missed calls, any new messages, and new texts. As always I never have any. Who would ever want to text me or call me.

I'm just a nobody in a planet full of somebodies. I stand back up and look up the stairs. Just as Charlotte emerges. She walks cautiously down the stairs. I ask if she's ready to leave she shrugs and nods. I'm not exactly sure where to take her.

We walk to the car. She stops me grabbing my arm. I turn back and look at her confused. She tells me that we should walk instead of drive. We walk around for quite a bit. Our arms 90% of the time was touching each other as she points out buildings and objects here and there.

We sit down on a bench somewhere near a bakery. I remember one thing that she told me. In the middle of this empty lot full of grass there in the middle of that patch of land stood a giant oak tree. There were shoes slung all over the branches of the tree. She told me that a lot of people come here and throw their shoes onto the branches. This signifies a new beginning. She says it's like throwing away your past.

I asked her if she ever thrown her shoes on there and she shook her head. But she told me Jesse has. Which I don't find surprising at all. She also tells me that the tree is also a place where people come and make promises. They bring their knives and carve a hole not too deep but not too shallow and the people making the promises pokes a hole in their finger but not just any finger it has to be their pinky. They then press their bleeding pinky onto the hole and one by one the other people do the same. It's like a blood pact. They used to make up silly stuff that said if you broke the promise bad stuff would happen to you

Other people come out here and carve into a tree some couples or just someone in love comes out here and carves a heart and carves their initials into it along with their loves. Hoping that one day they can be together. There are also hearts that have been slashed out signifying hurt and pain and breakups. It also is a meeting points for secret lovers to come out here as a meeting point.

That oak tree is quite something. A place for new beginnings and unbroken promises, but it's also a place for bad endings and new found love.

We continue walking onwards and further not sure where we'll end up. We pass by a few neon lit signs here and there. We stop at a railroad. It looks rusty and pretty worn out. It's most likely out of use. This is one of those railroads that only has one street light illuminating it and then the rest of the way there's nothing. The type of railroads that are in scary stories. The type of railroads people go missing on. Charlotte jumps onto the railroad and starts walking.

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