Epilogue: Jesse and Claire

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Everyone has an ending. 2 girls and 2 white dresses. Jesse her brown hair curled and wrapped tightly in a bun. She stands by the alter smiling as she sees the person she'll be spending her life with. Both of they're families sit in the front row. Jesse and Claire's family all talking in hushed whispers and a beaming smile on their faces. Claire her red hair straightened rests right at her shoulders. Her eyes with contacts, for just a day her eyes are no longer behind black framed glasses. She holds a bouquet of flowers as her white dress sweeps the ground. Her dad short with hair as red as Claire's and a bit on the heavier side leads her to the alter. 

Jesse and Claire stand next to each other. 

"I know pronounce to Wife and Wife." the priests say as they both kiss. The guests all stand up and cheer. 

Jesse and Claire Olson. Together they are happily wed on they're way to a honeymoon in Costa Rica. June 6th, 6 years after everything happened. 6 years after Jesse got kicked out her mom out of jail her family finally accepting her. 

6 years after Claire met Jesse. 6 years after her house burned down. A lot of things happen in 6 years. Too many to remember but the emotion will always be there. 

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