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I storm out of her house. There's snow falling overhead as I roughly put on my jacket. My hands balled up into fists. I should of apologized right there and then but I didn't, why?

I walk back to the apartment. Iliana stops me along the way. She honks the car horn of my car. Hey there Ellie did you miss me? I sure did.

"you seem pretty shaken the up" she says as I climb into the car.

"it's nothing" I blow a puff of air at my bangs. The strands fly up then fall back down.

"no it's something I know you well enough to know that you're upset. You get this cute little crease in between your eyebrows"

"I'm not upset"

"now V don't be a liar and just tell me what's wrong"

"fine. Charlotte and I had a fight and we're gonna stay apart for a bit"

"so you're taking a break from each other?"

"pretty much"

"oh V are you okay?"

"no I messed up Iliana. I fucking messed up"

"hey it's alright. Maybe a break could be good for you. And plus you have me to cheer you up" she smiles brightly.

"Maybe some alone time is good." She nods at my comment.

I walk into my apartment collapsing on the bed. I remember earlier today at about 5 am seeing Mary sneak back in through the window. I know instantly that Mary isn't human. Non human beings have a sort of smell to them. Depending on what they are and their position they have a sort of odd smell to them that humans or new creatures can't smell quite yet.

It was 5am and the time. She calls me a liar and so maybe I am but I don't like to lie. Mary I saw her fly like wings as she flutter in. Mary a fairy one of the creatures who don't lie but I suppose she might not be a very good fairy. I watched her fall back to sleep and wake up an hour later.

"I see you're still awake" she says.

"I don't trust you" I reply.

"oh good because you shouldn't but I believe Charlotte trusts me very very much"

"does she?" Fairies can read people very very well. One look and she knows exactly who we are. She knows our fears and our strong points. She knows us and a bit about our future. Fairies can only see 2 days ahead into the person. But not their future other people's future.

"I think she trusts me more then she trusts you because I'm her sister and you're just some cool guy. Who thinks you can just sweep her off her feet with the flick of a wrist, but boy you have it all wrong. You should really take my advice. She trusts me more hen you. She dislikes trusting people. And dear one last information. Don't let your pride get in the way of what's important. Some apologizes are worth giving. I'm pretty sure we will meet again soon enough"

"who are you" I ask. A stupid yet complex question.

"why dear I'm only Mary. You better hope that I like you, V because I know you wouldn't want me as an enemy." Out the window she goes. She's right I wouldn't want her as an enemy. The fairies are good mages and even better at finding weaknesses. Mary wants me to apologize to Charlotte but I won't apologize quite yet.

"V?" Iliana taps on my shoulder.


"do you need anything?"

"no I'm fine" today is the Wednesday 22nd of December today is Lia's birthday is today. Our birthdays fall in the same week. "I'm going out for a drive okay Iliana" I take off my brown jacket replacing it for my leather one.

"can I come with?"

"sure but we're going to a cemetery"


"today's my sisters birthday"

"Lia right?" I remember telling Iliana about Lia. Iliana helped be get over her death, why am I still remembering her. I should forget her but somehow I just can't.


"speaking of birthdays happy late birthdays I got you a present." she hands me a box. I open it inside is a dragons ear cuffs. I take out my green gauges and put the dragon ear cuff on. The dragon curls around my ear the tail going through the hole in my ear lobe. The holes each 16 millimeters. They're almost an inch but not quite. There's also a simple black ear plug. It has a little dragon on it. It's a green dragon curled around a red ball. I smile putting it into my right ear.

"Do you like it?" Iliana asks.

"thank you"

"now let's go to the cemetery"

"yup." I drive to a flower shop buying a bouquet of daisies. And taking a 7 hour drive to Utah. We arrive at the graveyard. It's about 6:30pm when we arrive. I run run as fast as the wind all the way to her grave. It's in the upper part of lot. I payed for this spot. Well most of it besides a few dollars from mom.

I collapse in front of her tombstone. The snow cold against me. It looks so beautiful along with the same snow falling above a slow gentle snow fall.

"Lia look I got you some daisies I remembered how they were always your favorite. I hope you're having a good time wherever you are. I love you and I miss you more each day." and I proceed to tell her about all the things that happened. I place the daisies in front of her tombstone.

Lia Cornelius. December 22nd, 2001-October 13th, 2012. It was a Friday. Friday the 13th. I hug her gravestone. It's stone jagged and rough.

"V" Iliana says hugging me.

"thanks for coming with me" I hug her back.

"oh it was nothing." She helps me up. We walk down towards the hill leading to the car. She stops me with a firm hand on my chest. I'm surprised my clothes haven't caught on fire. The snow makes her purple hair look so beautiful.

She looks around the snow flat beneath her light brown boots.

"Is something wrong?"

"nope." She pulls me down. We tumble together down the snowy hill. I can't help but laugh. She laughs along with me. I crash into her laughing. We both lay staring at each other. Both of us still in giggly fits.

I've never had the chance to actually look at Iliana. There's purple hair framing her face. Her skin not as pale as snow but just about. There's a simple rosy hint in her cheeks and a freckle in the corner of her right eye. Her lips slightly chapped colored in with blue. Within her chin, lies two tiny hills. You couldn't even tell she had a cleft chin if she was right in front of you.

The curves of her ears there's a little fold of skin. Also on both of her ears are pinna piercings. They're on the upper part of her ear on the cartilage part. They're tiny little fake diamond studs.

She moves her hand until our fingertips touch. I stare at our hands. Our fingertips touching ever so slightly. It sends a shiver through me. Her other hand stroking my cheek.

"You know V"


"you're kind of cute"

"kind of? I'll say I'm pretty damn cute"

"whatever you say." she smiles her thumb tracing circles on my cheek, her hands are hot. People would think she had a fever but that's just how she is. She leans in kissing me her eyes closed. My body tenses. I hold her arms trying to push her away. She breaks apart still smiling. She shakes her head, kissing me again.

It's just one little kiss right? If Iliana wants something she's going to get it. I decide to just quit fighting her and give in. I let myself relax hugging her. Her kisses are like tiny little hot sauce hots. They feel nice especially in this snow.

I know this is wrong but why does it feel so right? Why do I feel like I belong here with Iliana? No I belong with Charlotte but I suppose a few kisses can't hurt.

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