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I stare back at my cousin. Why would she be here? The last time I saw here was when we were just kids. We would watch Lia walk around and talk to us in her cute little mumbles.

"Olive" I greet her.

"V" she greets me back. Me and my cousins aren't really too close. The majority of my cousins happen to be females sadly. I focus closely at her. A red glows illuminates from inside her. Oh no this isn't good.

Being a Reapers I can see people's soul if it glows blue that means they're on the life. If it glows yellow they're close to death. White for a regular happy soul. Red for the ones that causes harm. And empty blackness for the ones with no soul.

"what brings you here?"

"I need your help V, I didn't know who else to turn to"

"how did you find me?"

"thats not important. I just need your help"

"well what can I help you with?"

"well you see V. I killed someone" she says panicked yet still calm. I stare at her my mouth gaping open. "I know it's bad but they can't catch me"

"why did you do it?" I ask ushering her into the car.

"I know I shouldn't of but you remember my boyfriend?"

she's been through a lot of boyfriends but the one recently she's had isn't good for her. She got addicted to some bad stuff like pot and meth and all that stuff. He's a drug dealer and he never told her until half a year into their relationship. She wanted to dump him but he threatened her. And all throughout the relationship he's been sneaking his drugs into her food. She didn't know until he told her. She couldn't leave the relationship. He just had too much power and control over her. He threatened to kill her and hurt her and all this shit. She was really really scared at that time. It's been a year since I've heard from Olive.

We would always talk on the phone about this stuff when her boyfriend wasn't home. They've been in a "relationship" for 2 years now.


"I killed him. I just couldn't take it anymore. I just can't live like this. When he yelled at me for the 100th time I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed a knife and I stabbed him. He said he was sorry but I just couldn't stop. It felt so good to be free. So good to not have the feeling that everyday you're going to get cut or killed"


"V. I just don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes he would take me on his drug deals and whenever I go with him I would still get threatened. They were real creeps you know. Real sons of bitches thinking they can just give me a little feel. It was so sickening V I didn't know what to do. They threatened to rape me and he. Alec just decided to stand there and do nothing. I couldn't take it anymore you know. It felt so good to have power to just be free."

Alec is the name of her boyfriend. Well dead boyfriend now. I lean over and hug her tightly. She's been through more then anyone should ever go through.

"it wasn't your fault"

"I know it wasn't but I need help V. I can't get rid of this addiction whenever I think I don't need anymore of those drugs anymore I end up spending my whole wallet on another stash"

I stroke her head her eyes red and puffy. Tears running a mile an hour down her face. The outline of her bones showing clearly. She looks like a skeleton with a thin layer of skin.

"I'll help you as much as I can"

"I know you will. I just need somewhere to hide"

"I really don't have anywhere to go right now"

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