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I look at the monster to the girl. She shots the monster in the face. Another one got out again didn't it. She approaches me flashing me a smile. Her black curly hair tied in a pony tail. Her green eyes as bright as ever. She walks over to me. Her tan jacket hanging loosely off her shoulder.

"those pests always escaping" she yawns sitting next to me. " nice show you put out there boss"

"yeah it helps to show some weakness"

"so who was that girl?"

"her names Charlotte"

"what does that have to do with you?"

"non of your business" I growled fiercely. Why did I snap at her?

"you need to relax" she says rubbing my shoulders. I shake her off.

"I'm fine"

"if you say so"

"I should probably some up an excuse to what happened"

"added some memory erasing powder but yeah good luck coming up with an explanation to why she's on the floor and why there's a hole in her shirt"

"yes yes I know."

"good luck" she starts walking. I stand up quickly grabbing her wrist

"What did you tell her? I saw you go over there"

"I told her just what you wanted me to tell her. That I was your sister and what not"

"good good. You can stop looking like her now"

"I know. It's just one of the many perks of being an Aliori"

"that's half devil and half human right?"

"yeah but I wish I was full demon" she spins no longer looking like the girl from before. Her skin pale as sheets. Purple curvy hair fell down to the small of her back. Her eyes pitch black and her lips as blue as the sky. She's pretty much about 500 year old still looks about 20. Pretty much that makes her immortal unless someone stabs her. They said that I was going to be immortal too. That's cool I guess

"well That's what you get"

"If only I could manipulate people better

"don't throw a fit. This is what the pot came with"


"oh Iliana being Aliori has its perks"

"If only we traded jobs"

"wouldn't trade being a reaper for the whole world" I peer over at Charlotte. She's about to wake up.

"you better leave she's waking up." Iliana nods and walks out.

"Charlotte Charlotte are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm I'm fine" she looks up coming to her senses. Charlotte is really cute. Her blonde hair and a strip of it dyed pink. Maybe I can wait just a little bit more until I reap her soul. I help her up.

"The weirdest thing happen Charlotte. You fell out of your chair after the power went out and your shirt caught onto something and you must of ripped it"

"I did?"

"yeah you did. Would you like me to take you home?" I look at the girl. Her chocolate brown eyes and her lush lips. Who couldn't fall in love with her. I shake my head no I can't fall in love with her.

"I think that Jesse was planning on going to the park"

"oh okay"

"so I suppose your the chauffeur" she says sarcastically.

"I guess so." so we all went to the park. I watch Charlotte close her eyes as Jesse gives me directions. We finally arrive. Jesse runs out first telling us to hurry.

I peer over at Charlotte. Her eyes still closed. I reach over. Her hand grabs my wrist opening her eyes.

"I'm not sleeping" she says.

"oh I thought..."

"well you thought wrong" she says smiling. I run out and open her door.

"After you Honey" I tease her opening up her door.


"for now that'll have to do until I find something better to call you"

"hmph fine" I can tell she has other things on her mind. Her eyes stare at Jesse who runs fast ahead. Her white hoodie a blur amount the green.

"come on let's go." I say running to the play ground. She follows close behind. A fast runner is she? I'm faster though. We fit on the swings next to each other. So apparently being the random beings we are started a discussion on which came first; the chicken or the egg.

We finally come to an agreement that the chicken might of came first. Either way non of that's important.

"push me?" Charlotte asks. I stop swinging. Lia she loved to swing. I remember pushing her I remember. I shake my head I want to remember her. Slowly she's fading away slowly and surely soon she'll be gone from my memory.

I walk over and start pushing Charlotte. Her back against my palms. I wonder how it would feel to hold her close. I shake this thought. I can't fall in love with her. I just can't.
I continue on pushing her.

"Thanks, V" she says after I'm done.

"no problem, Lia" I freeze. Lia no no no this isn't Lia

"V?" she looks at me.

"sorry it's just that. That Lia was my sister she loved to swing"


"she died 2 years ago..." Before I can continue a pain. A scorching hot pain bursts through my body. I shouldn't of remembered her. They they told me not to remember and yet I disobeyed.

"are you alright?" she asks.
I stumble over to the playground. My head spinning and my body in pain. They said not to remember her. They told me and I disobeyed them.

I let out a heart wrenching scream as I fall onto the steps of the playground. The pain is gone replaced by sadness. I let out a cry. A saddened cry followed by my tears.

She quickly sits next to me hugging me. My body becomes tense.

"Relax I'm trying to help"

"help? I don't need help" I mumble, silent tears crawling down my face.

"shhh just let me comfort you." She says laying her head on my shoulder hugging me closer. This moment I realized that. I, V Cornelius am in love with Charlotte. I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love but some promises are meant to be broken right? They won't be too happy about this a Reaper and a mortal. This wasn't supposed to happen.

I lays my head on top of hers.

"Thanks." I whisper hugging her back.

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