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Damn that Charlotte can really kiss. Our lips locked together in a heated battle neather one of us wanting to break apart. I knew she liked me and I guess I like her too...alot. I gentle kiss her neck wanting to know every imperfection every beauty she has on her body like I know my way around a car. We break apart gasping for air. I carry her back to the grass setting her on my lap. She squirms trying to get comfortable. I hug her tightly. She smiles, laying her head on my chest.

I can feel her shivering like a small puppy. I peel off my jacket and my shirt, at least my body isn't as wet as my clothes are. I scoots closer placing her hand on my chest. I flex showing off the muscles I do have. I don't work out much but I still like to give them something to be in awe about. She place her hand back on my chest speading her fingers out along my skin.

"maybe you're not so bad after all, V" she teases smiling.

"I told you so" I laugh picking her up.

"woah, where are you taking me?"

"there there princess. Let's go and get you dry"

"um okay." she shrugs confused. I stand up spinning aorund in a circle and running to my car. Sorry Ellie hope you don't mind me driving another girl I think to my car. I set her on my lap and buckle us in.

"what do you think you're doing?" she asks.

"I'm driving" I say starting up the car.

"isn't this unsafe?"

"you're still wet." I say giving her a wink. she shakes her head smacking my head. I stick my tongue out at her and drive to the motel. Hopefully I remember where it is.

"Where are we going?" she asks after a while of silence.

"um I'm going back to the motel if that's fine with you" I tell her.

"oh um okay then, I guess." she bounces a little on my lap. I seriously hope we don't get pulled over. I'm so lucky to have such a great view if you know what I mean. We finally reach the motel. I unbuckle us and carry Charlotte inside.

My room as always is a mess same with this motel room too. I look around hoping that I have nothing weird around. I set her on my bed. The only place that seems reasonable clean.

"I guess here we are" I say rubbing the back of my head.

"yeah I guess so" she rubs her hands together. I look around trying to find a clean shirt. I hand her a red shirt that has a cat on it. I think Ty sent me this shirt for Christmas or something, still fits which is the bad part. She looks at it trying not to laugh.

"here I guess, put that on" I say turning away from her. I know this shirt will go about to her knees she's not very tall but she's not short either.

"uh um thanks." I can hear her shuffling around trying to remove her wet clothes from her body. I stare intenstly at the wall infront of me. I try not to turn my head. It would be bad of me if I did. She would think I was a creep. I just can't help myself any longer.

I take a tiny peek. Her back turned to me her wet bra the pattern of zebra-strips stands out on her fair skin. Her skin is like one of a forbidden goddess. It is as if Aphrodite herself has been reborn into Charlotte. Her blond hair fall in loose waves like the ocean on her skin. I resist the urge to wrap my arms around her.

Her panties just as wet as her bra has a pattern of lines that look pretty but don't really look like much. She sighs probably thinking about how annoying it feels. I feel like such a perve doing this. I think about how much I want to peel the remaing wet pieces of undergarment that only those she allows may remove. I shake the thought out of my head naughty naughty me. If I focus hard enough I can even see tiny water droplets rolling down her back.

She peers over her shoulder. Our eyes meet. Her lips slighlty parted her head crooked in wonder. I wonder what Charlotte might be thinking. She twirls the pink pieces of hair on her finger. Her eyes remind me of those cold winter nights when I would share hot chocolate with Lia.

She approaches me as silent as a cat. She's probably going to come over here and slap me or yell at me probably both. She stand infront of me and stares up into my eyes. She's so close that I can see evry single eyelash on her eyes. She kisses me loosly wraping her arms around my neck. The kiss, it catches me off balance and I stumble hitting my back against the wall. I moan in pain. She giggles in response. I turn flipping her so now she's pinned against the wall.

I lift her arms over her head out bodies touching. She wraps her left leg around my waist. I use my free hand to support her raised leg. She moans need in her voice. I lift her to the bed and set her down. We ingage in a fierce salsa.

I carry her to the bed. For a few minutes we just stare at each other. She hugs me tightly burying her soft fingers in my hair. I hug her back just as tight. We stare into each others eyes trying to know what each of us are thinking. I lay down she lays next to me.

She closes her eyes. Our foreheads pressed together our noses barely touching. We whisper to each other. We whisper not words but just sounds. Just parts and bits of words. We lay there in each others embrace limbs tangled together not sure who's limbs are whoes exactly, but I wanted to be there forever. I muttered some pretty stupid things. I'm falling more in love with her each moment. She smiles silently crying. I hug her closer and slowly we cry together. I've cried more then I wanted today. This is what happens when I try to remember. I just want to cry and crawl into a corner because I want to so desperately remember them.

We fall asleep somewhere between the tears the. Charlotte falls asleep first her tears rubbing away her mascars. I think Charlotte would look beautiful without any makeup on. I stroke her head slowly as she gently falls asleep. Soon after I follow into a deep sleep. The best ones I've had in years.

We wake up just as the sun is setting. The colors like a fire burning it's last minutes. Charlotte is alrady crawling around the ground grabbing her clothing including the shirt I gave her. She walks briskfully into the bathroom shutting the door.

I hear the shower water turning on. She probably locked the door but thats okay. Everything seems so peaceful and okay. Nothing could possible go wrong nothing at all. I lay on my elbows my wet shirt laying somewhere on the ground. My chest gleaming with small droplets of water.

I don't know what Charlotte see's in me. I'm just a squawky little guy. I barely even have a four pack but it's there. Sure I got my muscles but theres got to be more then that. I trace the outline of one of my gauges. People always think I'm gonna rob them just by the way I look. I don't get what people see in me. I sigh putting my hands behind my back. My right arm full of tattoos. I guess someday I'll find out why people think I'm so stunning.

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