Chapter Two

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I stayed up later than usual, so I could talk to Simon about the couples therapy session that Toby got for us. It was late, and I was exhausted from staying up.

I didn't try anything tonight, feeling too drained to do it all just to be dejected. The door to our bedroom clicked open, and I saw that it was a little past twelve in the morning.

I yawned and leaned back into the headboard. Simon walked in and turned to me when he saw the light was on.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he shed off his clothes and tossed them on the ground.

I bit my tongue to keep from telling him to put them in the laundry basket.

"I want us to see a couples therapist."

"Therapy is a lie. It's not even a real science."

"Simon, I'm...unhappy. I want us to go back to the way we once were. I want to save this marriage."

"Save this marriage?" He repeated. "What's wrong with this marriage, Juliet?"

"I'm unhappy," I repeated, and it was like he couldn't hear me.

"I don't know what you want from me. I work all night and day to provide for us, to secure a better future for us, and you're unhappy?"

"I want kids. I want babies. You told me we'd try once you got that promotion, but we didn't."

"Juliet." He snapped, and I flinched from the tone.

"I'm not having kids right now. Why bring them into this world when we can't provide for them? Thank you for choosing right now to pick a fucking fight with me. I mean, Jesus, I just got back from work."

"I don't see you all day. When else am I supposed to talk to you about how I feel?"

"You sound ungrateful. I'm not doing couples fucking therapy. We're fine."

"When's the last time you touched me?"

I exasperated, feeling my resolve breaking. I was going to cry, and I knew Simon would get even more frustrated. He hated when I cried.

"I miss you touching me, kissing me, even holding me. Don't you miss it?"

"Are you pulling this on me because of sex or because you want kids, Juliet? Choose one."

It was like everything I was saying was on mute because he wasn't listening. He wasn't listening to me. It's like he couldn't hear me no matter how loud I shouted or how much I cried.

My heart hurt, my hands were shaking, and once I felt the tears stream down my face, Simon cursed as he tossed his briefcase on the ground.

"Goddamn it, Juliet." He swore. "Stop crying. Let me wash up, and we'll have sex."

I wiped at my tears with the back of my hand. "I don't want it. Tomorrow I'm heading to the session at one. If you care about me, about our marriage, then I'll see you there. Goodnight."

"Don't give me ultimatums. I hate that shit."

He cursed, and then I heard the bathroom door slamming, and I closed my eyes even tighter.

Simon used to hate when I cried because he hated seeing me so upset; now, it was like he just couldn't stand the sight of me crying because of how annoyed he got.

I don't know how or when it all got so switched up. Chloe's words rang in my head about him cheating, but I shoved that accusation back down because I couldn't believe that he'd ever hurt me that much.

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