Chapter Seventeen

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I sat on the couch and leaned my head back against the wall.

"I hated Charlie when we were younger and I thought it'd fade after we grew up, but he never grew up. He made our parents judges our entire lives, just tallying up points against each other."

"I remember."

Toby came and sat down next to me. His hand came up on my jaw and he redirected me, so I was looking at me.

"He's out of your life now. The only ones who's opinion actually matters are the ones in your life now. Juliet. Me. And I don't know about Juliet, but you know what you mean to me."

"You meant the world to me. I love you, Caleb. We don't say it as much as we should, but you're my best friend and the only man I'll ever love."

"I love you, too. I suck at this kind of shit; you know this Toby." I murmured, placing my hand over his.

He leaned in, closing the distance, and then he pressed his lips against mine. It was soft. A barely there kiss on my lips, but I felt that spark everywhere.

I kissed him back, and felt his hands on my hips as he ushered me closer. I sat on his lap, legs on either side of him, as we kissed.

The soft kiss turned sensual, deep, tongues dueling, stroking, bodies rocking, hands groping.

"I need you to fuck me this time." I begged. "Like the first time. Do you remember how you felt inside me?" I moaned at the memory.

"Like I could ever forget how it felt to fuck your ass, baby." He rasped, his teeth and lips moving down my neck.

He pulled away so we could take off our clothes, and then went back to kissing and touching. The feel of our nakes bodies touching, grinding, bucking, all of it was intense.

I could feel our erections brushing against each other, the tips of her cocks seeping cum, and all I wanted was him to bury himself inside of me, to make me his again.

I held his throat and tugged his head down so I could spit in his mouth. Toby moaned, swallowing, before forcing me down to my knees.

I wrapped my mouth around him, sucking him, while fucking my own hand.

"That's it. Fuck, Caleb. I love your mouth on me."

I moaned around him, the vibrations causing him to tigthen their hold in my hair.

"Stop. I swear I'm about to fucking bust. Stop, Caleb." He ground out, but I couldn't stop.

I forced him further down my throat, gagging and spitting, and trailed my hands down to his balls. I squeezed and pulled, earning a loud hiss.

His fingers knotted in my hair, and I was yanked away. Toby collared my throat, forcing me to his mouth so he could kiss me. His hand tigthened around my throat as he guided me back to the couch. He sat up, leaving his hand there as he hovered over me.

"You want me to fuck you?"

"Toby." I begged.

"I should fuck you just like this."

He teased, running the aching and wet of his cock up and down my aching hole.

"Without a condom. Without lube. I should use my spit and punish you for not listening."

"Fuck." I swore. "Punish me. Go ahead, baby."

He ran his thumb across my lips and released his hand so he could wrap his hand around me. He shoved two fingers in my mouth.

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