Chapter Thirteen

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Her cute list was two things. She could have asked for the entire mall, and I would have bought it for her. But no. She asked for a specific moisturizer which doubled as an SPF, and a cleanser.

I had the lady who worked at Sephora see what kind of products she used and asked her to include whatever products worked for that skin type.

She asked me if it was for a friend and when I said girlfriend, she melted at how sweet it was. All I could think about was how jealous Juliet would be if she were with me.

I told her to add whatever makeup was trending and then paid before heading down to see if I could buy her something else. I called Caleb to check up on him while I browsed.

"Hey, baby."

His voice came through and I smiled at how calm he sounded. His voice alternated between low and deep and demanding, but this tone. I loved this tone.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Good. I have a headache, but I think that's because I'm refusing to eat until I get home." He chuckled. "I want to eat everything she makes."

"She's at home cooking right now. I left to buy her some things."

I picked out a dress that I thought would look perfect on her and began to look for her size. I placed it over my arm.

"Yeah, what're you buying her?"

"She asked for two things, but I've never shopped for a girl before so I'm just walking around and buying whatever I think would look nice on her."

I pulled out two pairs of jeans from the rack. I estimated her size and if it was wrong, I'd bring her back and exchange them.

"You know what you should get her?"

"Some shoes," I said, knowing what he was going to say.

"Yeah, she has like two. One pair of heels and those worn-out sneakers."

"Should I pick up something on my way home?" He asked, and I could feel he was nervous because I was shopping for her, and he didn't want to feel left out.

"She's making dinner, maybe pick up some cake? Just don't be late. You told her five, so that's when she's plating and setting the table." I reminded him.

"I won't be late. I'll be there."

I walked down an empty aisle and pulled out two tops that caught my eye.

"When we were at the supermarket, the cashier kept staring at me, and Juliet essentially told her to back off."

"She was jealous?"

"Insanely jealous. Shit got me so hard, I fingered her on the way back."

He groaned and I closed my eyes from the sound.

"Fuck, baby, that sounds so hot."

"She said you belong to me, and I don't want anyone looking at you. Swear I was gonna bust a load when she said it."

"You're getting me so hard, baby. I miss fucking you. Tonight. Yeah?" He asked.

"Yeah, she can watch."

"She'd like that." He teased.

"She'd love it. Go, I'll see you later. Take care."

"Bye, baby. Kiss her for me."

"I will."

I hung up, placed my phone back in my pocket, and walked around the other aisles, picking and choosing what I thought she'd love or what would look good on her.

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