Chapter Twelve

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"He doesn't mean it." Toby tried to comfort me, but I couldn't stop crying. "Baby, please, when you cry, it kills me."

He gathered me in his arms, holding me as he rubbed my back, but I didn't want to be comforted. I was angry with Caleb, furious actually. He has no right to demand anything from me.

No right. I felt stupid for being in this position, for putting myself in this position, but I didn't know what to do. Simon cared about me; he just forgets to show it.

I pulled away from Toby and headed to the room I was supposed to be sleeping in. I rummaged through my purse, and I could hear Toby's footsteps behind me. I pulled out my phone and saw not a single notification.

This had to be a mistake, no way he wouldn't call me. No way he wouldn't check up on me after what happened yesterday.

Disappointment settled in my gut, and it churned and twisted until my hands shook from how angry I was.

Caleb was right. He didn't care. He never did. He had taken advantage of my kindness, of my good heart, and if I wasn't the one to give in, he'd never give in.

Two years dating and eight years living together. Ten years. I was with Simon for a decade. I took care of him when he was sick, cooked Thanksgiving meals for us, and held his hand when he was upset.

A good wife. A good wife who let everything slide, who didn't push or insist on anything, that bit her tongue, so the fight didn't escalate, and this is what I have to show for it. Nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

"Caleb was right."

"Baby." I felt hands reach my shoulder as he pulled me to his chest. "He didn't want to be right. He didn't mean to scream. Caleb can't control his temper sometimes."

"He left because if he were to stay he would've hurt you or me. He doesn't mean it. I know he doesn't."

I spun around in his arms. "I'm a good wife, a good person."

"I know you are."

"Toby, I don't know what I'm doing with you guys. This is overwhelming.  A part of me wants to be here, around you guys, because it makes me happy."

"While the other part knows I need to speak to Simon and figure out our marriage. He told me he'd never divorce me, that I could try, but he'd never sign the papers."

"You don't have to think about it all right now. You don't have to solve every single problem alone. You're not alone. You'll never be alone, Juliet. You have me and you have Caleb. You have us. We'll always have your back."

He held my face in his hands. "We're here to stay and we want you."

I placed my hands over his. "I want to stay, too."

Toby's phone began to ring, and he held me to his chest so I could hug him while he pulled his phone out. He wrapped a hand over my back, squeezing me.

"Yeah, baby." He spoke. "She's okay. Yeah, I'm with her. I don't think.... let me ask." His hand moved down to my back, and I peered up at him.  "You wanna talk to him?"

"He wants to talk to me?"

He nodded his head. I took it from him but stayed in Toby's arms. "Hello."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have disregarded your feelings. I should have listened to you. Supported you. I fucked up. I fucked up, baby."

"You were right, though."

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