Chapter Fifteen

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"You didn't have to come with me," I whispered loudly to Caleb who insisted on coming with me to get my IUD removed.

It was weird. Simon didn't even come with me when I got it.

"Be quiet." He said. "I read online that even though it takes less than ten minutes, that you may experience bleeding and cramping for several days."

"Jesus. I didn't even do any research."

"Juliet, waiting room of a hospital or not, I will spank your ass. Quit the attitude. I'm here because I want to be, so get over it."

I gaped up at him. "You wouldn't dare. Not here. Not in front of all these people."

"Yeah? Fucking try me." He whispered.

"I'm good. I'll be good." He kissed the side of my head.

"That's my pretty girl."

Twenty minutes later, my IUD is safely removed, and they provided me with a sanitary pad to help with the bleeding.

Caleb is speaking with the doctor, asking question after question, while I stood there awkwardly. He wanted to know everything and informed the doctor of his research.

It wasn't embarrassing. It was endearing. Knowing he cared this much and worried about me to this extent, it made my heart feel all warm.

We stopped by the pharmacy to buy more sanitary pads, and he bought me some ice cream from the shop next door for being a good girl.

He even got a cone for himself, and every time ice cream would get on my cheeks or lips, he'd lean over quickly to clean it off.

I forgot about the pain or the bleeding and all I could focus on was my joyous heart that felt free and out of its cage for the first time in years.

So, when he told me he had to carry me upstairs, so I didn't hurt myself, I didn't protest. I gave in. He laid me on his bed, took off my shoes for me, and then sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers over my forehead, brushing my bangs out of the way.

"You want to talk about how you feel?"

"Always the therapist."

He smiled, but it didn't reach his face. "Has Simon contacted you?"

"No." He reached for my hand, and I felt him skim his thumb over my knuckles. "How come I don't feel anything?"

"As opposed to guilt and sadness?" I nodded my head. "Maybe because you're finally happy."

"How come you and Toby care so much about me?"

"We care because you're the epicenter of our worlds. You mean too much to us for us not to cherish you. Toby worships the ground you walk on, and I'd do anything for you."

Bringing my hand to his mouth, he kissed my knuckles and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"Get some rest, baby. I'm going to head to work, and Toby should be here in an hour to check up on you. Don't get out of this bed, Juliet. Your phone's right next to you. You call if you need anything."

"Caleb, I didn't get out of surgery. I'm not bedridden."

"Your lucky I can't fuck you for another twenty-four hours because you keep running that mouth, and spanking isn't enough. You what you need? You need me to tie you up, blindfold you, and remind you of your manners."

"That doesn't sound very threatening."

He hummed in response. "I'm heading out. Be a good girl for me, and rest."

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