Chapter Twenty

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"Fuck." I cursed, my hands fisting the sheets as Caleb and Juliet stroked and sucked my cock.

It was by far one of the hottest things to see, to feel, to wake up to. I groaned, my hips bucking forward, and the sound of them choking filled the room.

Two wet tongues ran up and down my length teasing me while two hands stroked me tightly.

They pulled away to kiss, and Caleb slapped her tit causing her to moan. Their hands went faster, and I whimpered as I grew even closer to my orgasm.

"Go on." I heard him mumble against her lips. He urged her forward, and then he was helping her sink down on me.

"Fucking hell." I moaned as Caleb helped her move her hips over mine while his fingers traced down to my asshole. "Caleb, fuck me, baby."

I lifted my legs, ushering him. He reached over for a condom and some lube from the drawer. He put the condom on and poured some lube on his hand. He stroked himself and then he was lifting my legs higher and nestling right there.

"God, this hot." Juliet mewled, her body still rocking on mine, as she rode me.

Her hips swiveled and ground on me and I couldn't help but pull her down for a kiss while Caleb pushed in slowly.

"Who fucking owns this ass?" Caleb growled, growing impatient as he rammed right into me.

Juliet pulled away and leaned back on Caleb and I saw him cup and play with her breasts as she bounced on my cock. It was overstimulation.

I couldn't keep my eyes open. Juliet was on top taking my cock while Caleb fucked my ass. I wasn't going to be able to hold back. I was gonna cum.

"Say it, Toby!" He shouted.

"You, baby. You own my ass. God, you fuck it so good." 

Caleb fucked me harder. Juliet's hips moved faster. They were making obscene sounds, groaning and whimpering. I could feel Caleb pulsing inside me, and feel Juliet's hips spazzing over mine.

Juliet cursed and I could feel her wetness coating my dick as she came. Caleb and I came together, at the same time. I don't know who triggered who, but once Juliet whimpered that little moan of our names, we were done for.

I stilled Juliet's hips over mine so I could get every bit of cum deep in her cunt, and she placed her hands over mine, keeping them there. Caleb pulled out and got up to dispose of the condom.

I ran my hand over her stomach. "You feel pregnant, yet?" I asked.

She laughed and Caleb snorted. "I'm thinking before we go and knock her up, we go to Hawaii together."

"I've never been." She said.

"Neither have we. I was thinking we could go someplace just the three of us. New and together." Caleb said as he climbed back on the bed.

He sat down next to me, and I felt his fingers touch the side of my face. "What do you think?"

"I like it," I answered.

"Oh, I love it!" She exclaimed, and then she was jumping out of my lap and into Caleb's arms to hug him. "When are we going?"

"I can close the office next week. Toby will handle the hotel and plane tickets, and you and I will go buy you a suitcase and some traveling essentials."

"Bikinis. You need to buy some bikinis." I insisted and she rolled her eyes.

"I can't wait. I'm so excited." She was giddy as she laid down between us, her head on my lap and her feet on Caleb's. "If I ever have a girl, I want to name her Evangeline. It sounds so posh and elegant, but I've always loved that name."

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