Bonus Chapter

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(This bonus chapter contains very mature themes. Primal kink, degradation, MxM, MxMxF, choking, spitting, dirty talk, and anal. If you dont like, byeeeee)



"Okay, let's go over your safe word once more." Toby spoke.

I almost groaned and rolled my eyes, but the stern look on both of their faces had me releasing a breath of air.

"My safe word is red." I said obviously and I could see Caleb fighting a smirk as he saw how annoyed I was from repeating myself.

"I'm not scared, Toby. I was the one that found this forest. I was the one that told you I want to play it out. You told me that you wanted this, but you seem anxious."

"Baby, I'm not anxious. I don't want you to feel like we rushed into this. It's your first time, and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't. I have my two men with me and I'm pretty sure they won't hurt me. You should be surprised that Caleb actually wants to play."

Caleb's smirk fell through and he reached over to tug my hair gently. "I'm only into this, because you're the prey."

The thought of both of them running after me, hunting me down, and wrestling me to the ground was getting me wet. We had spoken about this a few times over the time we've been together, and it always got Toby so hard and greedy when I told him I wanted to try it.

I decided to take initiative. I found the place, researched the whole area, and when I did all the research I could do on Primal Play, I sat them both down and told them I wanted to do it.

Caleb immediately said he wanted to try it and Toby was sketchy because he was afraid I'd get hurt. I told him that the last thing on my mind was falling or tripping over a rock.

I wanted to feel that rush of running, and denying them what they both owned. Me. I wanted to feel the blood pumping in my veins as I ran away only to be taken down to the ground as they mounted me.

I was in a dress for easier access with no panties and bra underneath, something they didn't even know about. I was in sneakers so I could at least try and attempt to run away from them.

They were both in sweats and short sleeved t-shirts, and even though we decided on everything, Toby was still antsy.

"Toby," I whined. "Please, I'm already getting so wet thinking about you finding me." I murmured, my finger tracing up his forearm. I ran my finger down to the front of his sweats. "You're already hard for me."

"Of course I'm hard for you. I've been wanting to do this with you since the first moment you tripped over the weights in my gym." He groaned, catching my hand before I could touch him. He turned to Caleb and they shared the same look. "You still want us to run in separate directions?"

"Yes, whoever finds me first, gets me first." I said breathlessly. "Can I run now?"

"Come here." Toby ushered me to him and he gave me a soft kiss. "I love you." He whispered. "If you fall or even trip and you're in pain, scream your safe word. That way we can get to you."

"I love you, too. I will. I promise."

He released me and I went over to Caleb. I got on my tippy toes and kissed him as well. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Run, Juliet, because once we get our hands on you, we're not stopping." Toby warned and I saw a sly smirk dance across his face. "Run."

I turned around and began running in the opposite direction. I moved my hands against my sides as I ran and ran and even though I had a head start, I could hear footsteps thudding on the cold, wet ground.

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