Chapter Fourteen

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After eating dinner together and talking about our days, I did the dishes while Toby and Juliet sat on the island across from me.

Toby was teasing her about what happened at the market, and she was shoving him off while accusing the cashier of wanting to steal Toby away from her.

She blushed and laughed, but I could tell she was genuinely insecure about Toby leaving her for someone else. Thankfully, Toby caught along and reassured her that she was the only girl for him as he kissed her cheek.

I bought a strawberry shortcake and once I finished the dishes, Toby caught the cake, and we all grabbed a fork and ate it out of the box.

"Thank you for cooking, baby," I said.

"Did you guys like it because it was good or because-"

"Juliet, not this again." Toby groaned, cutting off her rant. "Baby, please, we almost ate the plates. Your food's delicious and we loved it."

"Did you always love to cook?"

"Not always, but I was a stay-at-home wife for a long time. I'd watch cooking channels, and blogs, and at first it was a way to pass time, but then I started cooking for fun."

"Of course, the only people who'd taste my food were me and my neighbor Chloe, but she never said anything mean. Well not to my face, anyways."

"Simon?" I asked but immediately regretted bringing him up.

"He left work early. I'd try to wake up before him so I could make him something, but he wouldn't eat, and at night I'd make him his favorite meals, but he'd always work late."

"I upset you now, didn't I, by bringing him up."

"No, you didn't upset me. It's just upsetting to think that if I hadn't met either of you, I would have never built the courage to find my own happiness."

"You're happy, here with us?" Toby spoke, looking at her. "I mean, it's unorthodox. Two guys."

"I am happy, Toby. I'm happy because you both make me happy. This feeling.... I haven't felt it in years." Her voice cracked and I cursed myself. "I never thought I'd ever be happy again."

"You deserve this and more," Toby said.

"You deserve everything this world and we have to offer and more."

"Caleb," She whispered my name, and my heart threatened to jump out of my chest.

"Yeah, baby?"

"Come over here and kiss me."

I dropped the fork, went around the counter, and kissed her. She tasted like strawberries and sweet cream, and I wanted to swallow up every bit of her until I exploded.

Her mouth parted on its own accord, and I let my tongue play with hers until we were moaning and groping each other frantically.

I yanked her out of the seat by her hips and reached for the hem of her shirt, to pull it off. I ran my hand down her bare back and to the front where her breast was.

I slapped the round flesh, and she bucked her hips in response. I slapped the flesh harder, and she whimpered her lips leaving mine.

"Again." She whispered.

I slapped her right one, enjoying how it shook with the force, and then the left. I alternated between either of them and loved the sounds she was making as her body shook and begged for more.

I pinched her nipple, pulling it taut, and then bent down to suck on them. Her fingers threaded in my hair as she mewled for more.

"Toby," She called out to him. "Come here, please."

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