Chapter Nine

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Caleb put on a different movie for us to watch, a romantic comedy, while we ate pizza together. The only word that could describe what I felt right now was calm.

I felt calm, at ease, and relaxed. I felt happy and comfortable, and I never wanted it to end.

We watched together, sitting right next to each other, and fed each other bites of our slices, and Toby laughed so hard cola flew out of his nose.

It had Caleb and me laughing and throwing tissues at him. I haven't laughed like this in a while. I don't remember the last time I did something as simple as this with Simon.

Simon didn't even eat the breakfast I made for him, let alone sit down and watch a movie with me. After we finished eating, we washed up and cleaned up the empty boxes and tissues.

Caleb left to take a business call and kissed my forehead and Toby's lips before heading to his study. I snuggled closer to Toby, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, keeping me tight and close to him.


"Yeah, beautiful."

"What happens tomorrow?"

He paused the movie and turned to me. "Whatever you want to happen."

"I don't know the answer to that."

He caressed my cheeks with the back of his hand and the small touch had me smiling up at him. It was always the little things. The little touches. The compliments.

The kisses that you had to share go from short to deep because of how much you crave each other. It was how Toby always called me beautiful. How he listened to me vent and complain for months without getting annoyed.

How he wasn't even a trainer but liked me so much that he became what I needed. It was Caleb listening to me rant about my husband and trying his hardest to help regardless of his feelings and attraction for me.

"When I thought you were a trainer, why didn't you correct me?"

"Do you remember what you asked me that day?"

"I think I asked you how to tone without looking all muscly."

"You kept talking about how you didn't mind girls that did look all muscly, but how you didn't want to look like that."

"You rambled on and on for fifteen minutes and looked ready to cry. I couldn't walk away if you paid me to. That's why I agreed. I didn't mind. I never did."

"I joined the gym because I wanted Simon to notice me. I would change my hair, get my nails pained his favorite color, buy new clothes and wear them for him, and it was all for nothing."

"He never noticed anything. I started the gym for Simon in the beginning, but then I started coming because of you. Seeing you in the morning always made my day better and your smile would make me forget why I was sad."

"Kiss her, baby," Caleb spoke from behind us. "Fucking kiss her."

It was me that made the first move. I kissed him, holding his face in my hands, but Toby took over quickly. In a second, I was trussed over his lap, and straddling him.

His hands went over my hips, and he moved me over his pants. I could feel how hard he was and the fact that he was hard that fast had me surging with pride.

I ground my hips over him, enjoying the deep grunts and pants that we traded through the kiss.

I felt hands crawl up my shirt and cup my breasts, and I pulled away to see Caleb by my head watching me. He tweaked and pulled my nipples, and I whimpered from the intensity of his gaze.

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