Chapter Nineteen

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"Kiss me, then." I whispered.

Toby's mouth slammed on mine, kissing me hard. His fingers knotted in my hair as he ravished my mouth.

I was still high in the clouds when he pulled away and Caleb took over. His hands held my hips, pinning me to him as he swallowed my mouth.

I felt hands on my clothes, undoing, unbutoning, and getting impatient ripping them off. I gasped at the sound of tearing, and looked down to see that my shirt was ripped and in two pieces on the ground.


"I'll buy you an entire fucking mall." He cursed, fisting my hair and directing me back to Caleb's mouth. "Keep kissing him. Kiss our man. His mouth tastes good, doesn't it? Sweet as sin."

I moaned and Caleb grew harder in his pants at Toby's dirty words. There was dirty talk and there was Toby.

He was filfthy with everything and anything he said had my knees buckling and my clit pulsing. Hands pulled down my pants and panties and I stepped out of them.

His fingers were at my back and then my bra joined the pile of clothes. I could feel his body moving away from mine and when Caleb jerked against me I knew he was touching Caleb.

I pulled away to breathe and saw Toby kissing and sucking on his neck. I was fully naked, Caleb had his pants on, while Toby was fully clothed.

I took the inttiative and tugged down calebs sweats and boxers down. He spun around once I stood up and then they were kissing.

Toby's hand went to Caleb's cock, and he began to stroke him. I moaned at the sight of something so primal almost, so hot and forbidden.

I got down between them and placed my hand over Toby's halting him so I could suck on the tip.

"Oh, fuck." Caleb cursed. "Keep sucking my cock, baby. Let me hear you choke." He groaned and then my head was forced down. "Toby, take off your fucking clothes."

I stayed on my knees, touching his chest and his ass while I bobbed my head up and down. I felt Caleb's hands on the back of my head as he caressed and petted me.

"Such a pretty girl."

"Juliet. Up." Toby demanded and Caleb slipped himself out of my mouth then helped me up. "Come over here."

I went to where he stood, and my eyes couldn't help but skirt up and down his naked body. God, he was so fit, so sexy, and so hard. My legs fought to clench at the thought of him taking me, of them both taking me.

"You wanna play a little game?"

His fingers reached for my hair, as he fisted it in a ponytail to spin me around and pin me against the wall. He hummed as his nose ran up and down my back, his lips leaving little kisses here and there.

"You want me to run?"

"Fuck." He swore, his body shaking against mine. "Yes. If I catch you, I'm eating that slippery cunt but if Caleb catches you we're tying you up and blindfolding you."

I could feel his cock between my ass, his hot breath against my skin, and I couldn't even answer. I bucked my hips back and his hand came down on my ass.

"Tell me you want to play."

"I want to play."

He released me and I watched the two naked men walk to the nearest wall. They gave me their backs and I admired their asses and their backs until I heard Toby begin to count.

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