Chapter Twenty-One

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"I think I'm officially too sore," Juliet murmured, her body limp and sprawled out on top of my chest. I chuckled, running my fingers down her back. "but in the best way possible."

"I'll run you a bath later, but for now, stay with me like this."

Toby had a business meeting he couldn't miss or reschedule so after a very, very active morning with tons of orgasms and fucking, he left dazed and satisfied. It's been just us two, and since it was Saturday, I was off and had nothing to do.

We ate breakfast together, watched a movie...well we tried to watch a movie. We didn't succeed. She wouldn't stop touching me and kissing my neck, and then she got down on her knees and began sucking me off.

What's a man to do besides fuck her until she was crying tears of pleasure and begging for a release?


"Yeah, baby."

She rests her chin so she's facing me. "Why do you think you're only attracted to Toby?"

"Toby's my best friend. My first best friend. We met that one day in detention and became inseparable. You know guys back then were always too scared to be close with their guy friends, so they didn't seem homo and all they'd talk about was sex with girls while rating them.

Toby wasn't like that. Toby listened to me. He'd hug me if he saw me having a bad day or stick up for me if my brother ever said anything messed up. I think I knew that I loved him before he said it to me, but I'm shitty with expressing myself." I sighed.

"That night I invited him to the party was because I missed him. I hated being apart and different schools, and it just had me antsy to see him. Then we got dared to kiss, and Toby didn't even hesitate to kiss me. It didn't last as long as I wanted it to but that night I told him I liked kissing him.

That I wanted to explore it with him. He didn't make fun of me or judge me, and there wasn't this bridge of awkwardness between us. He smiled and kissed me again before dropping me off at my parent's house.

Toby's dominant in many aspects of his life and he doesn't like disobedience, but that man has a heart of fucking gold. I love him because he sees me for who I am not for who he wants me to be."

"That's so romantic and sweet. I love that you love him, that you guys have this special bond, it's beautiful to see. The way you call each other baby, the hugging, the hand holding, all of it makes my heart happy. There's no label or term to describe it. It's just love."

I sat up and held her to my chest when I saw tears fill her eyes. "I knew you'd cry."

"I'm a sap for love stories, Caleb."

"You wanna go finish that movie?"

She chuckled. "No, I want to go out. Let's leave this house. We've been here all week."

"All right we can go shopping and meet up with Toby for lunch."

"Yes, call him. I'm going to shower."

She kissed my cheeks softly and got out of the bed. She ran to the bathroom naked, and I laughed at her attempt to hide her body from me.

She still got so shy. It was adorable, but I wanted her to feel confident and sexy around us. I pulled out my phone and dialed Toby's number.

"Yeah, baby." He picked up right away.

"Juliet and I are going to head out shopping. Wanna meet us for lunch in an hour or two? Or are you busy?"

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