Chapter Ten

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Caleb's stupid alarm clock was blaring loudly, and I groaned, as I reached over to turn it off. I rubbed my eyes, muttering how much I hated alarm clocks as I looked to see that Juliet wasn't in the bed with us. It was just Caleb and me, in his bed, pressed against each other.

"Caleb," I said. "Wake up. Juliet's not here."

His eyes flew open, and he sat up in the bed and looked around to see if she had left.

"What the hell? You think she left?"

He threw the blanket on the ground, and we put on our pajama pants fast so we could figure out where she went. I felt anxious and panicked as we ran down the stairs and went to her room.

Everything was just how Caleb set it up yesterday. Not a single thing was out of place. We ran past the kitchen and stopped dead in our tracks when we saw her.

She was humming and swaying to music that she was listening to from her phone as she rummaged through the drawers.


She spun around, still wearing Caleb's shirt, and smiled. "Good morning."

Caleb ran to where she was and pulled her to his chest, hugging her, and she gave me a weird look from over his shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"We thought you left," I said, walking to where they stood.

Caleb pulled away and she leaned back on the counter, looking so fucking adorable.

"No, I just wanted to make you guys breakfast. Is that fine?"

"It's more than fine," I reassured her. "We're gonna wash up and come back down."

"Caleb." She spoke his name and I could see the way he looked at her.

It was the same way I looked at her. He cared for her, maybe even loved her. Caleb was hard to understand sometimes, but love so pure and raw flashed in his eyes as she cradled his face.

He bent down as she got on her toes and kissed him. He kissed her back hard, his hands getting lost in her hair, and there was something about watching Juliet be intimate.

Whether it was touches, kisses, or when she's confident and asks for something. It was real, unadulterated, and sexy.

The fact that she wanted to reassure him that she was here by kissing him made my heart ache in the best way. She pulled away but kept her fingers over his jaw.

"I'm here. I'm not leaving." Her voice was low and hushed. "I just wanted to surprise you with breakfast."

He nodded but didn't speak. He pulled away from her embrace reluctantly and turned around to head upstairs so he could wash up.

"I would never just like that." She said, turning to look at me.

"I think we got nervous, that maybe we scared you away or something."

"You didn't." She smiled. I leaned and kissed her cheek. "Go, let me finish."

I left her to do her cooking and took the stairs back to Caleb's room. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, just staring at the wall.

"She's a married woman and yet I don't want her to leave." He spoke, voicing his thoughts out loud. "What are we doing, Toby? We don't do married women."

"She's not like any other woman I've ever met. She's special."

"When I thought she had left, I felt...." He swallowed.

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