Chapter Three

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"So, did she show up?" I asked.

Caleb gave me a curt nod of his head. "She did. Alone, though. Her shitty husband didn't come."

I snorted. "I knew the fucker wouldn't."

I took a sip of my coffee and leaned against the wall. Caleb and I have been friends since high school. He was a freshman, and I was a senior when we met, yet we made it work.

We stayed close even through college, frats, parties, failures, crazy girlfriends, and even our crazy families. We told each other everything. No one knew me more than Caleb and vice-versa.

There was no topic off limits. Our attractions ran close, and sometimes we'd share a girl if we wanted to, but either the girl got too clingy or annoying, and we had to cut her off.

Caleb and I's taste in sex ran darker than you could imagine. Slapping, spitting, choking, belting, blindfolding, sometimes I enjoyed the chase of running after a girl and fucking her once I got my hands on her.

Caleb liked to watch and command, but as dominant as we were, sometimes we were submissive to each other. Hooking up was something we did if we needed a quick release or if I missed the feeling of being dominated.

I was older than Caleb by three years, but when he took over, he could control my body like a puppeteer with no strings.

"You didn't mention how beautiful she was." He said, eyeing me up.

"I told you she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"You underplayed it. She's fucking gorgeous."

I sighed, melting at the image of Juliet in my head. "Yeah, I know."

"She hasn't had sex in months." He noted. "Her husband sounds like the biggest prick. She spent her entire session crying about him."

"He doesn't deserve her," I affirmed.

"Their entire marriage is him just gaslighting her and Juliet submitting to his shit."

"She's submissive in every aspect. Not just sexual. You should see how pretty she is when I give her a command."

His eyes darkened at the thought. "You thinking about fucking her?"

I licked my lips. "You know how sweet and ripe she'd taste?"

"She's forbidden fruit. She's married." He said, but his voice was light.

We didn't do married women or any women tangled up in a relationship. I hated complications, and dealing with angry husbands gets annoying after a while, but Juliet was an exception.

From the very first moment she walked into my gym, I wanted her. She didn't even know I owned the gym. She thought I was a trainer. I wasn't.

But once she asked me for help with a set, I automatically became her trainer. I didn't work with anyone else—just her.

"Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest."

I set the cup down and walked over to where he was sitting. I got down on my knees.

"Can you imagine how good it'd feel when I'm eating her cunt while she's choking on your cock?" I asked, and he cursed.

"Unbuckle my pants, Toby." He demanded. "Come on, baby, take me out."

I unbuckled his pants, and he moved his hips off the couch so I could take them down. I reached inside his boxers and pulled him out.

I wrapped my hand around his already stiff cock, and his hand reached over to cup the back of my head.

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