Chapter Six

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Caleb didn't work Saturdays, but when Juliet asked him earlier in the gym, he couldn't say no. He'd have to give her some excuse on why the building was empty and why his secretary wasn't at her desk, but he didn't care.

He wanted to talk to her, to connect, to hear what her fucking asshole of a husband said to her this morning that upset her this time.

He didn't tell me everything they spoke about, mostly just the questions I gave him to ask her.

Sexual questions. That was all. The rest was confidential. Caleb didn't like to talk about what he spoke with her, and I didn't like to push him for details.

Since his office was empty, and I happened to be in the area, I called and told him I'd stop by to see him. It was past two, and Juliet had left, so it was only him left in the building.

I parked my car, took the elevator, and waited impatiently for it to slide open. Once I was inside, I walked to where his office was.

His glasses were on, and he was sitting behind his desk in those tight suits.

"How's she doing?" I asked, sitting across from him.

"She's good. She was a little upset, but I talked her through it. She said she might stay with her parents, but she's unsure if she should leave Simon." He took off his glasses and stood up.

I could see how hard he already was from his pants, and he didn't waste any time ushering me over.

"I wish she would just leave him already. He's a prick, Toby." He undid his belt buckle and then unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the ground.

"What did she do that got you so worked up?"

"She breathed, and I got hard." He groaned, and I saw him reach for something in his drawer.

Lube. He placed it on the table and pointed to my pants. I took off my clothes while Caleb shucked off his suit jacket and shirt.

Once we were at arm's length, he grabbed me, pulling me into a kiss. Kissing a man was always the complete opposite of how you kissed a woman.

A man was solid, firm, and could handle the roughness we both demanded. Some women could handle it but didn't like being spat on or smacked around.

With Caleb, we did whatever we wanted with each other because we knew each other's limits.

Hands ran down each other's bodies aggressively, roughly while we kissed. It was sloppy and wet, and I loved every second of it.

He wrapped a hand around both of our cocks, pushing them together, as he began jacking the both of us off. I moaned into his mouth, and he bit my lip as he pulled away.

Leaning down, we spit over where his hand was, and I watched in awe as his hand moved even faster. God, the friction of him rubbing them together like this was animalistic.

"Fuck, that feels so good." I cursed. "Caleb, I need it. Need you."

"Yeah, you fucking do."

He dropped his hand, and I bent over the desk without him even asking me to. I felt his hands knead my ass while his mouth kissed my back.

I shuddered, wanting, needing more, but if I pressed, Caleb would stop. His hands spread me open, and I heard him gathering up some spit before spitting right there.

I whimpered, my cock growing so hard that it hurt not to have him touch me. He didn't tease me with his tongue, and as good as it felt when he did, I would burst if he didn't fuck me.

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