Chapter Seven

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"You did what?" I shouted. "Toby, baby, we didn't talk about this. Why would you offer her our guest bedroom?"

"If you saw her face, you would have offered her the entire fucking house. God, she wanted me to hire her as a fucking janitor so she could make some money."

"She didn't take the offer, but I told her it was there. I wanted to call and discuss it with you, but my heart hurt just looking at her. She was upset that he didn't call or message her. He's an asshole."

"I know he is. I'm waiting for her to show up. I miss talking to her. Miss seeing her. Don't think your reasoning excuses what you did. We'll discuss this later at home."

"She thinks you hate her," He said.

"What? I don't hate her. What I feel for her is not hate. I don't think I could ever hate her."

"She says you fight every session."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "She gets hostile because she knows I'm right."

"Caleb, just go easy on her, baby. Yeah? I'll see you later tonight."

"Get some beer or something. I'm going to need a stiff drink when I reach the house."

"I got you. See you."


I hung up, and then someone was barging inside my office. I spun around to see Juliet's hand wrapped around some man's forearm as she begged him to stop. She was trying to pull him away from the room, but once his eyes locked on me, he marched toward me.

"You!" He pointed to his finger. "What kind of fucking bullshit have you been feeding my wife lately?"

"Excuse me?"

"Listen fucker; every couple has bad days. Okay. It's fucking normal." He spat out angrily.

My secretary walked in to check on the noise, but I waved her off.

"Aha, the infamous Simon."

"You being funny, asshole?"

"Simon, please, let's leave. Come on." She tried hard to reel him back, but he wasn't budging.

"It must be hard being a child of divorce."

He glared at his wife and then narrowed his eyes at me. He shoved his finger in my chest.

"Fuck you. Ever since my wife started coming to you; she's been talking back way too fucking much. I don't like it. You're probably the one that told her to move out."

"That decision was your wife's and your wife's alone. If she left, it was probably because you weren't treating her right. Your wife's exceedingly unhappy. You coming here, yelling, attempting to scare me, isn't the way to heal your marriage."

"There we go again with those fucking words." He faced Juliet. "Is that where you got those stupid words? Heal my marriage? My marriage is just fucking fine."

"No, it's not Simon," Juliet spoke up. "Our marriage isn't fine. I want a divorce." She said, and I almost gasped at her words.

Did she just say that? Did she finally say it out loud? Simon looked at her for the longest time, shock and anger clouding his face, before balling his fist and coming at me.

"No! Stop! Don't hit him!"

She tried to hold his arm, but Simon wasn't thinking straight. He shoved her, and she hit the ground with a thud. She yelped out in pain, and my eyes went to her.

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