Chapter Eleven

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"I think I thought of a question." She asked, and Toby chuckled as he leaned back to hear her question.

"Ask away."

She squirmed and her cheeks flushed, and I knew the question was sexual.

"What do you guys like? Sexually." She whispered.

"Speak up, beautiful," Toby said in a strict voice.

"What do you like sexually? I want to know what turns you on."

"You turn us on." She gave me a serious look. "Spitting, watching, choking, slapping, hair pulling-"

"Slapping? Like on the face?" She cut me off, looking at me with eyes as wide as saucers.

"Yes. I like it and that doesn't mean you have to like it as well. Spanking, toys, blindfolding, and bondage. Toby is similar but also has a primal kink."

"A primal kink?" She asked, whipping her head to face Toby who was grinning widely.

"It's when you run, and I hunt you down."

She inhaled sharply and I saw her eyes dilate at his words. "Run? Like in the woods?"

As if imagining it, Toby groaned and cupped the back of her head.

"Yeah, baby like in the woods. I'd run after you, catch up to you, pin you down, and fuck you in the ground. You'd like it." He hummed. "You'd love it, actually."

"I've never...oh." She moaned when he kissed her neck. "done that before." She gasped, her head falling back so Toby could kiss her neck better.

I grabbed her shoulders and leaned back on the couch, so she was lying down on my chest. Toby adjusted and bent down over her as he continued to kiss up and down her neck.

I grabbed her hand and placed it at his belt buckle. She undid it shakily and then unzipped his pants.

Toby groaned against her skin, and she hadn't even touched him yet. She took him out and wrapped her hand around his cock and I watched her stroke him.

"Good, baby, good." I praised. "Squeeze his cock. He likes that. You see how he gets even harder?" I murmured, and I could see her legs clenching, needing that friction.

Toby pulled away only to help me take off her shirt. His mouth descended on hers and her hand went back down.

They moaned in each other's mouths, and I watched in awe at how hot it was watching them kiss. Toby was a wet kisser hence why I love spitting so much.

I could see his tongue slipping into her mouth and I bit my lip as I grew so hard it hurt. Juliet kept pushing her ass back and I knew she could feel how hard I was.

Toby pulled away and grabbed her jaw as he looked down at her. He tilted her face so she could kiss me and then he was kissing down her body.

I held the side of her face as we kissed, and then she gasped into the kiss allowing my tongue access. She was shaking, bucking her hips, and making the sexiest sounds in the back of her throat.

Toby sat up suddenly and ushered Juliet to stand up. He pulled down her panties and she stepped out of them, her cheeks tinting bright pink.

"Come here, beautiful." He murmured, sitting all the way back and wrapping a hand around himself.

"I need your mouth." He demanded. "But do Caleb a favor baby, and bend over so he can taste that pretty ass."

Her eyes turned darker, and she looked at me as if waiting for me to object.

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