Surprise, surprise Pt3

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*4 years later*



The girl's voice echoed through the house, Billy could hear her from the kitchen, where he was preparing dinner, Evelyn was in the living room with Steve, who had been lying on the sofa for a couple of hours with a cold cloth on his head.

-Honey -Billy spoke softly, going to her -Daddy's feeling bad, okay? You have to let him rest, honey.... Why don't you help me make dinner?

-Daddy sick?

Billy took the girl in his arms and carried her on his hip, stroking her hair with his other hand, smiling at how cute she was. Evelyn's hair was brown like Steve's but had grown into lovely curls like Billy's, her eyes were blue, big and with long black lashes like the blond, but her skin was pale and spotted like Steve's. Billy adored his daughter, she was the most beautiful thing on Earth, with his husband's forgiveness, and she filled his life with laughter and immeasurable love.

-No, love, Daddy's not sick, he's doing magic


-Uhhum -the blond mumbled, setting the little girl down on the counter -Daddy's working magic, inside that fat tummy you see, he's creating a cute little elf like you

Evelyn looked a little confused, she touched her face kneading her chubby cheeks, her eyes looking curiously at her father.

-Like me? Little sister?

Billy laughed happily and kissed his little girl's head.

-That's right, Eve, Daddy's making a baby sister... or baby brother, we don't know

-Doesn't know?

-No, you only know once they are born -smiled the blond, that wasn't true, the ultrasounds had advanced a lot, but he didn't want to stop to explain to her that they only knew when a certain time had passed, and that they, just like with Evelyn, decided they didn't want to know it

Evelyn smiled happily, her eyes narrowed for it and two cute little dimples appeared, it was a perfect mix between Steve's smile and Billy's, the blond loved to see his daughter smile. The little girl seemed happy at the news of having someone new in the family, a brother or a sister, they would have to wait to find out. Billy and Evelyn continued cooking, the little 4 year old couldn't do big things but the blond was giving her small tasks like opening bananas or tasting the sauce and she felt great about it, it was wonderful to see her happiness to be helping her father.

A few minutes later, noises from the living room indicated that Steve was awake, Billy took Evelyn in his arms again and they came to the brunet, who was slowly trying to lift himself up so that he was sitting up instead of lying down, the blond could see the pain in his expression and it was no wonder, Steve's belly was quite big for 12 weeks, much bigger than with Evelyn. Billy set the girl down on the couch at the brunet's feet and hurried to help his husband. Husband. He loved to call him that even in his mind, his eyes always fell on their wedding pictures a couple of times a day, hanging in the hallway of the house, and he never took off his ring.

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