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Later that night when the students of Hogwarts had finished their dinners and found themselves in their desired places, Estella went in search of her cousin. She found her in the Ravenclaw common room crocheting on one of the couches, quietly humming a tune to herself.

Estella approached slowly before asking, "can I sit here?"

Luna looked up to the girl's sudden presence, "I can't necessarily say no, this isn't my furniture."

Estella gave a small smile and sat on the other end of the couch Luna was on.

"Luna, I am truly so sorry for what I said in the library earlier. I didn't mean what I said, I don't even know where any of that came from. You're not looney and you never have been. It was terrible of me to ever say that you were," Estella spilled.

Luna stopped what she was doing and looked at the fire that was burning in the fireplace. The two sat in silence for a moment as Estella waited to see if Luna wanted to say something. As she began to continue, Luna spoke up.

"That wasn't kind of you, Estella."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"You really hurt me."

"I know."

"It's never hurt me when people call me Looney or any other names. Whether they say it to my face or behind my back, it's never hurt. But to hear you say it felt like a stab in the back."

"I know."

"If you know then why would you say it?"

"I spoke out of anger and I shouldn't have."

"But why we're you so angry?"

Estella took a breath, "I don't know."

"So it was for nothing?" Luna asked.

"No. I just, I was confused on why you and my mother were so convinced that I've changed and why it was a big deal," Estella answered.

"Oh," Luna started, "Estella, I'm afraid you're about to feel worse than you already do."

"Why's that?" Estella asked confused.

"We don't think your changing was anything bad, we think you've changed for the better," Luna stated.

"But it sounded the complete opposite. You started by saying how I don't write my mother as often and that you've been asked to keep an eye on me," Estella continued, still confused.

"That's right. Your mother has taken notice that you don't write as often, but she knows it's most likely because you're happy and doing amazing things. Though she misses your letters and is happy to see you becoming a great person, she just wants to make sure it remains that way. That's why she asked me to look after you. To make sure you remain happy," Luna explained.

Luna was right, Estella did feel worse after that explanation. The whole situation was a misunderstanding the whole time.

"Luna, I don't even know how to express how sorry I am," Estella said defeated.

A moment of silence passed and Luna went back to crocheting.

"I forgive you, but I must ask that you never do that again," Luna said, not lifting her head.

"I swear to you that I won't," Estella expressed. For the first time since the incident, Luna looked Estella in the eyes and genuinely smiled. The two girls knew they would be alright.

The following day, Estella and Hermione were walking out of their muggle studies class together as other students flooded the halls. Hermione was catching Estella up on her situation with Viktor Krum among other things that had been going on in her day-to-day life.

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