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Professor Sinistra gave the groups a week to pick out their constellations and to do some research before she passed out dates. While most everyone was already starting the essay, Estella and Draco still had not even talked to each other since the day they were partnered.

"You're going to have to start the project one way or another," Padma told Estella. Padma was sitting upright on one couch while Estella was sprawled out on another, reading a book.

With a turn of a page, Estella simply replied, "I know."

"So what are you doing? We received our charting dates today and you haven't even spoken to Malfoy," Padma continued.

"Our first night isn't until Friday," Estella said.

"Estella," Padma said grabbing the book out of her hands.

"Hey I was reading that!" Estella exclaimed.

"This isn't like you. I know you hate him, but great almighty Merlin, be the bigger person!" Padma said.

Estella buried her face in a pillow and groaned.

"Fine. You're right. You're always right. It annoys me," Estella said standing up.

"That's why we're friends!" Padma shouted as Estella went up to get her books.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Estella said when she came back.

"Have fun!" Padma laughed as Estella was walking out.

"Never say that again," Estella replied without turning back or stopping.

Estella didn't really know where she was going, nor did she know where to find Malfoy. She did know that asking another Slytherin was a long shot. While walking through the hallway, Estella saw Luna walking the opposite direction.

"Hey Luna," Estella greeted.

"Hello, Estella. Where are you going?" Luna asked.

"I'm looking for Malfoy so we can start the astronomy project," Estella answered.

"Well, you're going the wrong way. The library is the other way," Luna pointed out.


"Draco. He's in the library."

"Wait really? Thank you Luna."

"I don't know why you're thanking me, but you're welcome."

After that, Estella made her way to the library. When she arrived, she walked in to see that the library was not crowded. She walked around to find Malfoy scanning a shelf with deep focus. He didn't notice her walk up when she said, "Okay look-"

"Merlin, Raney," Malfoy jumped.

"We need to start this project," Estella stated.

"We don't have to chart our constellation until Friday," Malfoy said going back to searching the shelves.

"Yes, but we don't have anything to chart," she added.

"So then why can't we choose one on Friday then?" He asked.

"Because I want to get this done. I don't want this project to be sloppy."


"And, I-okay?"

Malfoy looked at Estella with his eyebrows raised.

"The quicker we get this done and the more we get done at a time then we can go back to staying out of each other's lives."

After a moment of silence, Malfoy spoke up.

"Fine, lets do this," he said.

The two made their way to a table and sat down. Estella opened one of her books and started flipping through the pages.

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