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Luna Lovegood was a bright witch for her age, however, not many people saw her in that way. The young Ravenclaw was vividly different in the greatest way possible. Her father loved her just as much as she loved him, if not more. She also loved her Aunt Clara and cousin Estella, this much she knew to be true. Luna and Estella had always been close for as long as they could remember. Estella had always felt a need to protect Luna because she knew the world did not always come close to matching her cousin's kindness. She would be quick to say something or give the coldest look to anyone who treated Her any differently. Luna, on the other hand, paid no attention to those people. Instead, she went about doing what made her happy. She had always admired her cousin and even looked up to her. There had never been a moment where she was upset with Estella in any way, shape, or form. That is until Estella yelled at her in front of everyone around them.

The two had been sitting in the library studying when Draco Malfoy walked in. Estella had become quite stressed over an upcoming exam that she was convinced she was going to fail. So, to see the Slytherin walk in was a refresher to her exhausted eyes. He was fully aware that the two girls were having their "cousin time," so he was respectful of that and kept his distance. He gave a little wave to Estella and made his way over to a shelf to look for a book.

"Where do you think we go when we die?" Luna asked, breaking Estella out of her stare.

"Woah woah woah, where is this coming from?" Estella asked, confused.

"I've always wondered. I'm not sure what I believe yet but a part of me hopes we live forever after death," Luna explained.

"Of course we do. I mean, I'm not sure where we go. If anything, we live on in the hearts of those we leave behind," Estella responded.

"Your mother told you that, right?" asked Luna. Estella nodded. "She told me that too when my mom died."

The death of Luna's mother was a topic that rarely ever came up in conversation. Luna and her father did not take it so well when it happened. Or so they say. An abundance of people flooded the Lovegoods' presence to give their support. However, it was always turned away, respectfully of course. It was a peculiar situation for Clara Raney indeed. She wanted nothing more than to help Luna or at least be within arm's reach. Luna always gave a continuous, "There's no need for concern, I am okay." Clara would never push any further but the desire to do so drove her crazy. So, the following few times in Luna's short life that she went to her to confide in her aunt, Clara was more than ready to welcome her with open arms.

Estella, on the other hand, did not ever witness one of Luna's low moments. She wondered if this moment was turning into one, so she gathered her thoughts and memories of how her mother handled situations like these in preparation for the potential worst.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Estella asked.

"Talk about what?" Luna asked in return, flipping the page in the book she had lying open.

"You know, what's going through your mind," Estella replied, beginning to lose direction on how to approach the subject.

"I just did, already forgotten have you?" Asked Luna.

"No, I mean," Estella started with hesitation, "do you want to talk about your mother?"

"No, that's alright," answered Luna, not once lifting her gaze away from the book.

A bit stumped, Estella frowned before asking, "Well then why are you so curious about death all of the sudden?"

"I'm not, I'm curious about after-death"

"That's the same subject, Luna"

"Not necessarily, there's-"

"I get it, Luna," Estella interrupted calmly, "I just want to make sure you're okay."

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