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It was the morning of the second task when Padma and Estella were getting ready in their dormitories to go out and cheer for their best friend. Estella, who had her black hair bunched up in her hands to put into a ponytail, turned to the other Ravenclaw who was putting on shoes.

"Do you care if Draco joins us?" asked Estella.

"I think what you mean to ask is, do I mind if I third wheel?" Padma replied without looking up.

"You're not going to be a third wheel! I just-"

"Estella, I'm joking. I don't care at all," Padma interrupted with a laugh.

"Okay, but hey, if you have a problem with it at any time just say something to me," Estella reassured.

"How about I just push him in the water and there won't be a problem," Padma suggested.

"It gets harder and harder to know when you're joking or not," Estella replied.

"Fine, I'll be nice," said Padma, "or not." 

Time quickly passed before the two girls had made their way to the designated location. Upon arriving, Estella's eyes caught Draco's figure waving at them to get their attention. Estella smiled and waved back before walking towards him. 

"There she is," said Draco as he pulled Estella in for a hug.

"Hi," Estella beamed.

"Good morning, Padma," greeted Draco.

"Good morning, Malfoy," replied Padma.

"Have you happened to see Cedric?" Estella asked, "We wanted to wish him luck before-"

"I look death in the face?" Cedric interrupted as he walked up from behind.

"Don't say that!" Estella exclaimed.

"I'm saving my bets on that happening during the third task," said Padma, to which, Estella whacked her arm.

"How about I bet against you that I don't, mainly for Estella's sake," Cedric joked.

"You two are terrible," Estella sighed.

As Estella shook her head, a student came up to the group and tapped Cedric on the shoulder to let him know that the task was about to begin. Cedric nodded and turned back to the others to say, "Well, that's my cue!"

The two Ravenclaws wished him luck and gave him hugs.

"Goodluck, Diggory," Draco chimed in, giving Cedric a handshake.

"Thank you, Malfoy," Cedric replied with a small smile.

With that, the Hufflepuff took off to take part in the second task of the Triwizard tournament.

When the task was over and the champions' assigned people were saved, all of the students made their way back to the castle. Students congratulated Cedric Diggory as they passed by and patted him on the back. He was more focused on getting Cho, who was wrapped up in her and his blankets, into dry clothes. Estella and Draco walked side by side, and at one point, they felt their fingers touch. Upon noticing the interaction, the two looked at each other shyly.

"So, uh, is this something, uh, is this okay?" Draco rambled.

"What?" Estella asked, taking Draco's hand in hers, "this?"

Draco chuckled and squeezed her hand. It all felt perfect and right.

"I'm going to be alone forever," stated Padma as she walked between the two couples.

"I don't think Ron is far behind us," Cedric teased.

"Oh shut it," Padma replied.

The group laughed when Estella had a realization and halted her step.

"I just remembered that I'm expecting a letter from my mother," Estella explained.

"I'll go with you," said Draco.

"We'll see you at dinner," Cedric stated with a wave.

"Have fun lovebirds!" Padma joked.

"I think she likes me," Draco said to Estella as they walked away.

The two walked hand in hand to the Owlery while talking about things going on in their classes and stories from their dormitories. When they arrived, Estella fetched the letter and opened it.

"I've never been in here," Draco stated while looking around.

Estella broke out of her reading and looked at Draco with confusion in her facial expression.

"Wait, really? But you've been at Hogwarts for years now, don't you get letters from your parents?" Estella asked.

"No. My father usually has his ways of communicating with me if he absolutely needs to. My mother, on the other hand, sends her personal owl with messages checking in on me here and there," Draco replied.

"Oh, well, I'm glad you have someone writing to you," Estella said with relief.

"I suppose, it would be nice to receive actual letters though," Draco added.

"I'll write you some," Estella said smiling. This, of course, made Draco beam at the thought of it.

"How's your mother?" Draco asked, gesturing towards the letter in her hands.

"Oh she's great. She's taken up knitting from Mrs. Weasley. They became friends after the world cup incident," Estella happily rambled. It filled Draco with joy to see Estella so happy when she talked about her mother. He knew that she loved her dearly, but he couldn't but wonder if she would one day love him enough to talk this way about him.

"She also asked how you're doing," Estella added.


"Yeah, haha, I might've mentioned you a few times or so."

"Oh really? What did you mention?"

"You know, just that I'm falling for the guy I almost punched several times," Estella teased.

Draco chuckled then said, "You should've, Merlin knows I definitely deserved it."

"It's in the past," Estella said giving a small smile, "all is forgiven."

This warmed Draco's heart. He did not necessarily believe that he deserved forgiveness. He had hurt many people, including Estella. He knew this growth was shaky. After all, he could never seem to let Harry Potter off the hook. However, he wanted to grow further away from his current self, but he did not fully know how. What he did know was that the universe could be cruel. He knew it could take away the only star he wanted out of the whole sky. 



I'm so happy everyone is happy to see updates. I'm happy we're all happy :)

Also, this wasn't the most important thing for me to remember about this universe, but I'm not sure that students could have an owl bring them a message directly to them. I'm sure it happened and I just don't remember or maybe it didn't. Either way, in my book it did so just let it be, please. 

Also also, I don't get on tik tok often but I did end up Dracotok. What a time to be alive guys. I will also say, there are some people making videos based on ideas I actually have for this book. I'm not saying "I was the first to think about it!!!!!!!!!!" I'm just saying that when those things play out, don't check me for "stealing from tiktok".

Other than that, I love y'all and I wanna talk with y'all more so keep the comments coming!

As always, thank you for the love and support!

I hope you enjoyed and continue reading :)

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