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The day of the third and final task was a warm and sunny one. The school was filled with restless students anticipating the results of the tournament. Some counted down the hours while some went about their day as normal. However, it was on everyone's mind that one person would end the school year as a champion.

Cedric Diggory did not want to admit it but a part of him no longer cared if it would be him. It had been a long year, and this new "celebrity" status was something he wished was still unfamiliar to him. Even if he did win, how long would people continue to talk about him? Will this be his only crowning achievement? What about the other dreams he wanted to pursue? Did he even want to be known for anything?

He pondered on that question for a while. Thinking about his life, his family, his friends, and the things he had made him realize the satisfaction of it all. He had what he needed. This is what he wanted.

Regardless of the outcome of today, win or lose. He would still be just as happy and that was enough.

He was not necessarily afraid of going into the maze. He noticed the look on Harry Potter's face trying to mask the uneasy feeling that everyone had in the pits of their stomach. It was nothing new. It was the same feeling they all felt before each task.

Cedric looked into the crowd that was already cheering and dancing to the music of the band. He spotted Cho and smiled at her little wave. She was so beautiful. He made a mental note to ask her on a date later.

Next, the Hufflepuff spotted Padma and Estella with Draco at her side. They cheered louder at the moment of eye contact.

Estella was quiet at their meal in the Great Hall earlier that day. She always was before a task.

"Always expecting the worst," Padma had pointed out. As she always did before a task as well. They all chuckled but this time, Estella did too.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," she apologized.

"Don't be. It makes you more prepared," Cedric half-joked. Estella playfully shoved his plate.

"Don't say that."

Cedric was so happy to have such a support system. These were the memories he would cherish the most with the people he loved the most, at least until they would make more.

He held up his wrist to the crowd and tapped the watch plate to show his best friends that they were with him as he went into the maze. He stayed in place of his entrance with his back to the crowd.

Cedric looked up at the stars in the sky, immediately recognizing the influence of Estella. He did not know his immediate next steps. The stars were confirmation for him of what he did know; he was not going to be alone. When the maze closed in on his entrance and the sounds died out, this thought brought him peace.

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